Telling The Team...Again

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A couple weeks later Ziva finally found an website that made t-shirts, that were at a reasonable price and made them in kids sizes too.

"Hey baby are you ready to go?" Tony asked.

"Yes. They all have their shirts on and so do I." Ziva said.

Tony smiled and put his hand on her swollen stomach.

"This was a creative idea." Tony said.

"I think it will be fun." Ziva said.

"Well let's take a picture." Tony said causing Ziva to laugh.

They lined the kids up on the couch me Ziva sat at the end.

It started with Tali, her shirt said 'baby' won't in a pink loopy font.

Next it was Alex he had a big white number 'one' on his shirt.

And then Tommy sat there with the word 'more' in a large white font.

Lastly Ziva, her shirt said 'time' in pink letters. Her stomach quite round now, and the tight fabric made her stomach really pop.

Tony smiled and took the picture on his phone. After that he handed his phone to Ziva for her to see.

"That is cute." She said with a smile on her face.

"Well come on. Jackets on everyone it's chilly out side." Tony said helping the kids into their jackets.

"Can I have your hoodie?" Ziva asked.

"Sure thing sweet cheeks." He said running to their room to get it for her. She smiled when he came back.

"I could have managed on my own." She said humorously.

"What kind of man would I be if I didn't do things for my woman?" Tony asked handing her the jacket.

"The kind that get shot." Ziva said causing Tony's eyes to widen.

"You are so gullible." She laughed.

"Come on people into the car." Tony said scooping up all the little ones in his arms. Causing a whole lot of giggling.

Ziva laughed and opened the door for them.

"On to the house of Gibbs." Tony said in a super hero voice.

Ziva pulled Tony's hoodie over her head and nestled into the warmth it provided. And it concealed her protruding stomach.

"I don't know how you've managed to hide this pregnancy, you're halfway done and they still don't know." Tony said impressed.

"I wear baggy sweaters. And they are very warm, and also quite comfortable." She said casually.

"What's your excuse for not going into the field?" Tony asked.

"I said I have not been feeling well and the doctor said to lay off of physical stress for a while." Ziva said honestly.

"Oh. Kind of the truth just not the whole reason." Tony said.

"Yes." Ziva said softly.

"So Abba does this mean everyone's going to know about the baby?" Tali asked.

"Yes princess." Tony said looking at her through the mirror.

"Good cause it's hard not to tell Aunty Abby." Tali said seriously.

"Well I'm glad you made it this long kiddo." Tony said laughing.

They pulled into Gibbs's and unloaded the kids. Ziva pulled Alex from his car seat and Tony grabbed Tali and Tommy.

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