Surprise Guest

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The next day at 9 am a loud squeal echoed throughout the halls of the hospital.

Tony and Ziva smiled as the rest of their team came in, lead by Abby.
"She is just so cute!" Abby squealed again.

"Abby calm down." Ziva laughed shifting Tali to Tony.

"My my Ziva she is perfect." Ducky said smiling down at the happy family.

"When are you coming home?" Abby asked

"Today. We're free to leave at 10. Dr. Stevens wants to check her one more time and then we'll go." Tony said handing Tali to Abby.

"What's her name? Gibbs made us wait." Abby asked.

"Tali Caitlyn Kelly David-DiNozzo." Ziva said with a tired smile.

They all seemed to share a moment in silence. And Abby hugged Ziva. Bishop stood awkwardly at the side not knowing the meaning behind the little girls name.

"That's great you guys." She said happy

"So where are y'all staying?" McGee asked.

"My place." Tony said quickly.

"Are you sure Tony?" Ziva asked.

"Of course Ziva." Tony said flashing her his million dollar smile.

Tony smiled. He had the best surprise for Ziva. He had McGee help him find a beautiful house that he was sure Ziva would love.

It had a lot of things she likes. And the nursery was huge and connected to their room as well so that was a bonus.

"Well don't we have a full house this morning." Dr. Stevens said with a smile as she came in.

"You could say that." Tony replied.

"So I take it you three are ready to go home." She said

"Yes." Ziva said softly.

"Well you're free to go. Originally I was supposed to make you wait till ten but this little one is healthy and good to go." Dr. Stevens told them.

Ziva smiled at Tali.

"It's time to go home tateleh." She cooed.

"Oh Tony looks like you better learn some Hebrew. These two are gonna be talking about you and you won't even know it." McGee joked.

"I already know some McGenius." Tony said humorously.

"Timmy he knows how to speak Hebrew. He learned a long time ago." Abby giggled.

"Hey Bishop, why are you hiding in the corner?" Tony asked when he noticed her standing there.

"Well I...uh.." She stuttered

"Feel uncomfortable because you do not know me and you are not sure how to act in this situation no?" Ziva asked, a kind smile making a way to her face.

"You could say that." Bishop said.

"Ziva David. I apologize is we made you feel like a fish in water." Ziva said kindly.

"Zi it's 'fish out of water'." Tony chuckled. He had missed her messing up idioms for so long.  Bishop smiled a bit.

"Eleanor Bishop, I started at NCIS a little after you left. You can call me Ellie or Bishop, it doesn't really matter." She said nervously. It wasn't hard to detect her nervousness.

"I have heard a lot about you." Ziva said.

"Oh. Really?" She said, shock seeping through her.

"Yes Tony has told me a lot about you." Ziva chuckled. "I can not wait to get to know you." Ziva said as she started to pack Tali's diaper bag.

"Same here." Ellie said nervously.

"Well we will be heading home soon, thank you all for coming." Tony said after he got Tali back from Ducky.

"Take you time coming back DiNozzo. Just check in. Let me know you haven't made Ziva kill you." Gibbs said humorously.

"Sure thing boss." Tony said happily.

"Bye Tony, Ziva." McGee said.

"By McGee." They said in unison.

"Good bye Ziva. Do keep us updated on you and this little one." Ducky said giving her a hug by.

"I will Ducky." Ziva said happily. She was happy to finally get to see everyone. Being is DC was great but she had to keep herself from seeing them until Tony came back.

She wanted him to know about Tali before the others. But hiding out from her family was hard.

"You ready to go home Ziva?" Tony asked.

"Yes Tony." She said kissing his cheek. "I've been ready for a long time." She whispered. Tony smiled and took her hand.

He held Tali in one arm and Ziva's hand in his other. Together they made their way home, Tony smiling excitedly for the surprise he has for Ziva.

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