Five months later the terror begins

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"Ima when will they baby get here?" Tali asked.

"In four more months Tali." Ziva said for the millionth time.

"Oh. I like when he kicks." Tali said putting her ear to Ziva's stomach.

"I think he likes it too." Ziva said laughing as the baby kicked.

"You ready sweet cheeks?" Tony called. Today was the day they were going to find out the sex of the baby.

"Yes Tony." She said grabbing Tali and swinging her to her hip.

"Ziva!" Tony groaned taking Tali from her.

"Tony she is fine." Ziva said grumpily.

"You're too big to carry her now. It could hurt you and the baby." Tony said sternly.

"Fine Tony." Ziva said.

"Let's go." Tony said buckling Tali in.

"Ready for this sweet cheeks?" Tony asked.

"Yes. We did not have the chance to do this with Tali." Ziva said sadly.

"She's still perfect Zi. You did amazing." Tony told her reassuringly as they walked into the Drs office.

"We did good." She corrected him.

"Yeah we did didn't we?" Tony asked happily.

They sat in the waiting room and Tali saw a couple children about her age playing.

"Abba may I go play?" She asked innocently.

"Sure Tali just stay where we can see you." Tony said seriously.

"Thank you Abba." Tali said happily as she ran off to play.

As Tali was playing a man stood in the shadows of the corner.

"Little girl." The man called at Tali. She looked at him but did not make a move to go towards him.

"What is your name?" He asked.

"Ima told me never to talk to strangers." Tali said stiffly.

"And who is your Ima?" The man asked. Tali turned and pointed at Ziva.

"Ah I see. I am a friend of your Ima's." The man says.

"I do not believe you." Tali says skeptically.

"Who is that man sitting next to your Ima?" The strange man asked.

"That is my Abba. And he is a federal agent. And so is my Ima and my Pa so you should go away." Tali said sternly.

"You look like your mother when you get mad." The man said amused.

"Ima!" Tali called. Immediately Ziva's head snapped in the direction of her daughter. Her eyes widened when she saw the strange man sitting next to her.

"Come here Tali." Ziva said quickly getting up. Tony not noticing as he was at the counter filling out the paperwork.

"Shalom Ziva. Long time no see." The man said. Running his hand through Tali's curls only to have her slap his hand away.

"Adam, what on earth are you doing here?" Ziva said rudely.

"Now now Ziva that's no way to treat an old friend." Adam said.

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