She's Okay

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Once Gibbs made to his house he constantly was with Ziva. He knew the emotional strain it was to kill someone, especially when it was someone that you were related to.

"Ziva where are you going?" Gibbs asked as she opened the door.

"I just need some fresh air Gibbs." She said softly.

He got up and followed her out the door.

"Spill." He said seriously.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I know you aren't okay. Something is bothering you. So spill." He said again.

"It is nothing. I will be fine." Ziva said. Obvious that it wasn't something she wanted to talk about.

"You feel guilty?" Gibbs asked. Ziva looked at him.

"Yes." She mumbled.

"Because it wasn't the first time you have to kill a family member. I know it's hard Ziva, but you will get past this." He assured her.

"It harder than it sounds Gibbs." She said softly.

"I know. But you need to know you did the right thing." He assured her. Ziva sighed.

"That is what Tony says." Ziva mumbled.

"And he is right. It was an impossible situation. Do not torment yourself. You saved your children from going through the same pains you went through as a kid. You saved Tony's life." He said, hugging her.

"I do not want to kill anymore. I want that behind me. That is why I left in the first place." Ziva said.

"Well I'll be damned if I let you go again. Okay? We all should have gone after you. But when Tony said he didn't find you-" Ziva cut him off.

"He did find me." She said softly.

"He did?" Gibbs asked confused.

"Yes. When you video chatted with him, I was sitting on the other side of the computer, I asked him not to tell you." She admitted.

"Well it's in the past. And you're here now. That's all that matters." Gibbs said.

"Yes." Ziva said softly.

"Ima?" Tali said poking her head out the door.

"Yes Tali?" She said moving towards her.

"Abba said you were sad right now." She said reaching up so Ziva would pick her up.

Once she was in Ziva's arms she wrapped her little arms around her neck.

"I am fine Tali." Ziva assured her kissing her head.

She walked back into the living room to see Tony feeding Alex. She smiled. As much as it pained her to have killed her uncle she couldn't bring herself to regret it. Not when she saw her family together.

"I see someone was hungry." Ziva said a smile on her face.

"Yeah." Tony said, relieved to see she was in better spirits.

"Do you want me to take him?" She asked gently.

"You can if it want to." He said with a smile.

Ziva reached her hands out and took her baby. She sat on then couch cradling him with one arm and supporting his bottle with the other.

"Aunt Ziva when will Ima get here?" Michael asked.

"I am not sure Michael. She should be soon. We called her and told her what happened." Ziva said.

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