Fear of The Unknown

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"Tony come on we are going to be late!" Ziva yelled as she put a blanket over a six month old Alex.

"We're coming!" He yelled from the stairs.

"We are ready now Ima." Tali said happily bouncing around in her little white dress with a light pink ribbon around her waist.

"It's just a baby shower why do I have to go?" Tony whined.

"Because this is Abby's baby shower and I said so." Ziva told him.

"Okay let's go." Tony grumbled.

Once the kids were bucked up they began driving to Abby's house.

"Ima does Aunt Abby really have a coffin for a bed?" Tali asked.

"She used to. I do not know if she still does." Ziva told her.

"Cool." Tali said.

"Only our child." Tony said humorously.

"She gets that from you." Ziva giggled.

"Mm Kay." Tony said with a smile.

"Are we there yet?" Tali asked.

"No princess, seems like Abba is hitting every red light." Tony said annoyed.

"It is fine Tony. It does not start for another fifteen minutes." Ziva told him.

They sat for what seemed like forever, Alex had woken up and begun to cry.

"Tali will you give him is pacifier?" Tony asked.

"Yes Abba." Tali said putting the blue pacifier in his mouth, his cries gone immediately.

"I think he's hungry." Tali said.

"Maybe." Ziva said. She had fed him before they left and they'd been in the car for almost half an hour due to the excessive stop lights.

Tony sighed as they stopped at yet another stop light.

Ziva giggled and grabbed his hand.

"Calm down." She said humorously.

"It's annoying. At least we're almost there." Tony said.

"Tony." Ziva started just as a car crashed into the side of theirs.

Screams were heard and the sickening sound of metal crunching, Ziva ripped her seatbelt off and dove in the back trying to secure her children more.

The car landed upside down and Tali screamed as her unconscious parents laid covered in blood. Alex too was not moving.

"Ima." Tali cried her arm bent at a funny angle.

When she got no reply from Ziva she turned to Tony.

"Abba?" She asked pushing on his shoulder.

Again she got no reply. She pulled Ziva's phone out of her purse that was sitting on the ceiling of the car.

She hit the number 2 like Ziva had shown her, if there was ever an emergency.

"Hey Ziver y'all almost here?" Tali heard.

"Pa?" She asked, tears still running down her little face.

"Tali? Where's your mom and dad?" Gibbs asked.

"They won't wake up. The car is upside down." She said historically.

"Tali stay on the phone I'm coming to get you." Gibbs told her, "McGee trace Ziva's phone and call an ambulance."

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