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"We'll find them Ziva." Gibbs growled.

"McGee there is a man handcuffed to Tali's bed. I shot him in the leg as he was trying to fight off Kalev. That dog is the only reason they didn't get Tali." Tony said patting the dog gently.

"Get him back to NCIS and start questioning him." Gibbs yelled.

"Ziva let's go before he gets that scumbag down here. I don't want Tali to have to see him again." Tony said.

As they walked out the door Tali began to panic.

"Kalev! I need Kalev!" She cried.

"Kalev come" Ziva called.

The dog eagerly rushed to her side, ears high and alert. He knew something was wrong.

They made their way into the bullpen and began their search.

"She can't have gotten far." Bishop said.

"McGee with me." Gibbs said gruffly walking towards interrogation.

Ziva sat with Tali in her lap. Her little arms wrapped tightly around Kalev.  Ziva was a mess. Eyes blood shot.

"Ima where are Alex and Tommy?" Tali asked softly.

"The bad woman took them, but we will get them back." She answered honestly.

Tony looked like he wanted to object, but Tali was too much Ziva's daughter. She would see through any lie no matter how convincing it seemed.

Tali stiffened.

"The twins?" She whispered. Tears now running down her cheeks. She didn't need a verbal answer. The pain in her mother's eyes was all she needed. She took a deep breath and wiped her tears.

"Don't worry Tali. We'll find them." Tony assured her pulling her into his arms.

Tony watched as Ziva made her way towards interrogation. And for once. He didn't stop her. Her murderous glare didn't scare him for once. He knew her intentions. Yet nothing she was about to do bothered him. And maybe that was wrong, but in this moment he didn't care. His children were on the line.

"Tali do you want to sit behind my desk with Kalev and color?" Tony asked. As much as he wanted to cling to his daughter he desperately needed to work on finding his other children.

Tali gave a slow nod. No she didn't want  but she was smart enough to know what she needed to do.

"Bishop would you keep an eye on Tali I need to go check on Ziva." Tony said looking at the clock. Almost an hour had passed.

Ellie came and sat next to Tali, admiring her drawings.

Tony made his way to the interrogation room. A loud thump grabbed his attention and he opened the door.

He saw the man they brought in unconscious and covered in more blood.

Ziva was sitting with her head on her knees. Angry tears streamed down her face. 

"Ziva." Tony said softly. Examining the bruises forming on her knuckles.

"He would not talk." She said in a stone cold tone.

Tony's eye flickered towards the unconcious man.

"You know her better than anyone else here. Where would she go?" Tony spoke softly as he brushed a lock of curls from her face.

"In this country I would not know." Ziva replied stiffly. Another tear ran down her cheek.

"This country." Tony murmured. He pondered on it for a moment.

"She's going to try and get them out of the country. We need to figure out what private airports are being used." Tony jumped up pulling Ziva with him.

"Isreal. She will take them back to Mossad." Ziva spoke frantically.

"That's not going to happen." Tony said matterofactly.

They made it to the bullpen and just as Tony was about to tell McGee to search all the private airports Gibbs was already saying let's go.

As usual. Gibbs was one step ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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