The Virtual Goodbye

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Tony had everything packed for his trip, he was about to cal Ziva one last time for the next year. He hit the button and waited for her to answer. Once she did he was shocked to see a pale looking Ziva.

"You okay sweet cheeks?" He asked, worry evident in his voice.

"Yes. I am not feeling to well. It must be something I ate." Ziva explained. Tony chuckled.

"Is my little ninja trying the stove again?" Tony mocked.

"Very funny Tony." Ziva said humorously rolling her eyes.

"Seriously though you don't have the plague or something like that right?" Tony asked. Again Ziva rolled her eyes, having heard an infonaut about of times how he had gotten the plague.

"Yes Tony I am sure." Ziva assured him.

"Okay good. But if you get worse or something happens, call Gibbs. They have a way to get ahold of me. Vance said if they need to make contact with me that can." Tony instructed seriously.

"Tony I do not know if I can do that. Surly Gibbs is not happy with-" Ziva started.

"Ziva, nobody faults you for leaving. Everyone still loves you here. Anybody would jump to help you. Let alone get to talk to you. So maybe text them a time or two. But please tell Gibbs if something is wrong." Tony plead.

He wanted to make sure she was okay for the next 12 months. And who better to protect her than Gibbs?

"Okay Tony I will." Ziva said.

"God I miss you. If I miss you now I don't want to know how much I am going to miss you  with absolutely no contact for a year." Tony grumbled.

"We can do it Tony. I'll come to you once you get home." Ziva promised.

Tony looked at her shocked.

"You'll come back to DC?" He asked.

"For you I will." She said with a small smile.

This news made Tony happy. Though he could tell something was off with her, he chose to ignore it because he wanted to leave them on a good note.

"I love you Ziva." Tony said, his eyes getting glossy.

"I love you too Tony." Ziva said, her voice cracking a little.

"I will see you again, I promise." Tony assured her.

"Be safe my little hairy butt." Ziva laughed as she fought the tears that were trying to form in her eyes.

"Always sweet cheeks." Tony said, flashing her his million dollar smile.

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