The Pursuit of Happiness

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Ziva sat with Alex, his bright green eyes looking around excitedly.

"Alex." Ziva cooed. Causing the baby boy to produce a gum filled smile.

She tickled is stomach in attempt to get him to laugh.

"You are so precious." She said kissing his head.

She rocked him and sang to him in Hebrew until he fell asleep. Looking down at him fondly until she heard Tony's loud voice.

"Ziva?" Tony called.

"In Alex's room Tony." She said she said softly.

Tony walked in with Tali on his shoulders.

"Ima!" She said happily.

"Shalom." Ziva said brightly.

"Why don't we pack a lunch and have a picnic at the park? It's a beautiful day." Ting suggested.

"That sounds lovely." Ziva agreed.

"Yay Park!" Tali said happily clapping her hands.

"Okay princess what do you want to make?" Tony asked her.

"Pizza!" She squealed.

"Pizza it is then. What do you say Ziva? Put this little man in his play pen and help us make pizza?" He asked.

"Sure." She said softly.

They walked down the stairs and Ziva laid Alex gently in his play pen, and then washed her hands.

"Ima ready?" Tali asked, holding Ziva's apron out to her.

"Yes. Todah Tali." She said with a smile.

"Alright let's get cooking!" Tony said happily wearing a funny chef hat. He gave Tali her's and begged Ziva to wear one as well.

"Come on Zi! It's all part of the experience." He begged. She sighed and let him put the ridiculous hat on her.

"Just make the pizza." She said humorously, giving him a kiss.

"Ima can we invite everyone to the park?" Tali asked.

"Sure Tali, but that means we are going to have to make a lot of pizza." Ziva said laughing.

"Alright how many do you think we'll need?" Tony asked.

"Well you and Gibbs can put away a pizza yourselves. And we will have Jenny, McGee and Abby, Jimmy and Breena, Victoria, Ducky, Leon and his kids. So I say we are going to need like five to six pizzas yes?" She asked for confirmation.

"Then we better get to cooking." Tony said turning the radio on.

They laughed and danced flour going everywhere. The occasional cry from Alex tore them away from their hard work.

"Okay he is asleep now." Ziva said fondly.

"Okay. I'm going to put this last pizza in the oven. How about you call everyone and tell them the plans." Tony suggested.

"Okay." She said pulling out her cell phone.

She called Gibbs first.

"Gibbs." He said gruffly.

"Shalom Gibbs." Ziva said.

"Hey Ziver." He said.

"We made pizza. Would you meet us at the park at 2?" She asked.

"Sure thing, I'll tell Jenny." He said happily.

"Okay. See you soon." Ziva said softly.

Then she called Abby.

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