Back to DC

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Tony sighed as he had to relive telling Ziva bye again. He held her in his arms once more. The only thing keeping him together is that he knew he would be coming back soon.

"Keep in touch. I'll come back soon." Tony tells her.

"I will look forward to it." Ziva said happily.

"God I wish I could just pack you up and take you back with me." He whispered, taking her face in his hands.

"I know Tony. Maybe one day I will be ready to come back." She mumbled in his chest, leaning back to look into his bright green eyes.

"And I will wait a thousand years of I have to." Tony said seriously.

"You are too good for me Tony. I do not deserve you." Ziva said looking away from him. He pulled her face back towards him so he could look into her eyes.

"No, I don't deserve you. But I love you anyways." He told her, Ziva's eyes widened.

They had said, in other words that they loved each other. But never had they straight out said those three words.

"I-I love you too." She told him. He pulled her into a soft kiss.

"I've got to stop leaving you like this." Tony complained, kissing her head and walking towards his plane. He looked back to see her smiling at him, he smiled.

He planned to come back in a month to see her. He sat in his seat by the window, glancing down in hopes he could see her. And sure enough, her brown curly hair was blowing in the light breeze. He pulled out his phone and sent her a text.

~See you in a month sweet cheeks~

He watched her look down at her phone and smile, a blush making its way to her face.

~I look forward to it (: ~

Tony smiled and put his phone up as the plane began to take off, he closed his eyes in hopes to sleep all the way back to DC.


Tony woke up go light tapping on his shoulder. He groaned and looked up at a young flight attendant looking down at him.

"Sir, the passengers are getting off the plane now." She said gently

"Thank you." Tony said, getting up and grabbing his bag out of the carry on compartment. He walked down the stairs to see Gibbs waiting for him.

He looked at Gibbs curiously.
"McGoo track my phone or something?" Tony asked.
"Good to see you too DiNozzo." Gibbs said.

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