Travel Plans

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"Ima why can I not go with you and Abba?" Tali whined.

"Because Tali it is no place for a child. You will stay with Aunty Abby as Granny Jen." Ziva said firmly. The little girl nodded her head, a sad look on her face.

"Tali listen to me. We will come back okay?" She told her sitting on her knees to be at her level.

"Promise?" Tali asked.

"I promise tateleh." She said engulfing her in a tight hug. "Now go give Abba a hug bye." Ziva instructed.

She smiled as she watched the small girl run into her father's arms.

Ziva then turned her attention to her son. She pulled him out of his crib and cradled him to her chest.

"Oh sweet little Alex. Ima and Abba will be back shortly. Aunty Abby and Granny Jen will take care of you until we get back. I wish I could take you and that you could meet your aunt right away, but Mossad is dangerous, and I will not risk losing you or your sister." Ziva said.

Smiling as his bright green eyes looked at her in wonder. She loved this about him. He had Tony's eyes. An exact replica of Tony.

"You almost ready Ziva?" Tony asked. She kissed Alex's head and handed him to Tony for his farewell.

"Yes." She said. Emotion clear in her voice causing her thick accent go be is even thicker. Tony kissed his son and handed him off to Jenny.

"Take care of my babies." Ziva said softly.

"You know we will Ziva." Jenny said bouncing Alex a little.

They gave one more round of hugs and kisses and headed for the door. But before they could even open the door Ziva felt little hands pulling her back by her pant leg.

"Tali, tateleh I have to go." Ziva said pulling her off her leg. Tali actually began to cry.

"No Ima don't leave me please." She cried wrapping her little arms around her mothers neck.

"Tali Ima has to go. But she will come back. How about we get you a surprise if you're a good girl?" Tony said pulling Tali into his arms. She sniffled, but nodded her head.

"Alright. We love you princess and we'll be back before you know it." He said having her off to Abby.

"I love you too Abba." She said laying her head on Abby's shoulder.

As they made it to the car Tony noticed Ziva's tear stricken face. He reached over and grabbed her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

They arrived at the airport with Gibbs and McGee and Bishop close behind them. They boarded the small plane and took their seats. Tony and Ziva made their way to a love seat.

Tony could see the sadness in her eyes. He pulled her into his side. And placed a kiss on her head.

"We have broke her heart Tony." She whispered.

"No we haven't Zi, she just doesn't want to be left. I used to cry when my mom left." He said honestly. Ziva gave a small smile.

"The Tony DiNozzo cried? That is so cute." She giggled. Tony rolled his eyes

"She's one of two women I've every cried about leaving." He said quietly. Ziva's smile faded.

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