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Once the team had made it back to DC. Tali was glued to Ziva. Everywhere she went Tali went too.

"Tali please let me be for five seconds." Ziva said, prying her daughter off her lap.

"Tali come play with Michael." Tony said. They took Michael for Tali so she could go and look at a house in their neighborhood.

"Ziva what's wrong?" Tony asked when Michael led Tali to the play room.

"She is constantly wanting to sit on me and I keep telling her that I am not going anywhere but she keeps clinging to me and I have not had a moment to myself and-" Tony cut her off with a kiss.

"You are aloud to get frustrated Ziva. Everyone gets frustrated. She just missed you. I know you're stressed out. But try and relax." He said rubbing her back gently.

"I did not mean to snap at her, I do not know what is wrong with me I just feel like my emotions are in overdrive." She said tears welling in her eyes.

"Hey, how about we dropped the kids off with Abby and Tim and have an evening to ourselves?" Tony asked.

"That would be nice Tony yes." Ziva said quietly.

"Alright I'll call McGee." Tony said pulling out his phone.

Ziva, feeling bad went to find Tali.

"Tali?" Ziva said softly walking up to her.

"Yes Ima." Tali answered brightly.

"You and Alex are going to have a sleep over at Aunty Abby's and Uncle Tim's house tonight." She said with a smile.

"Will Mic come?" Tali asked. Ziva smiled.

"If he wants to and his Ima says he can." Ziva said.

"Can I call Dodah (aunt in Hebrew)?" Tali begged.

"Sure Tali." Ziva said pressing on her sisters number and handing the phone to Tali.

"Dodah! Can Mic come with me to Aunty Abby's?" Tali chirped into the phone.

"If he wants to and Abby has no objections then that is fine tateleh." Ziva heard her sister say.

Tali squealed happily.

"Todah." Tali said happily handing the phone back go Ziva.

Ziva and Tali had a quick conversation before Ziva hung up.

"Alright go ask Michael if he would like to go with you." Ziva said smiling as Tali ran to find her cousin.

She came back with him in tow.

"Mic says he will come." Tali said happily.

"Alright let me help you pack some clothes for the night." Ziva said.

She packed their clothes and then Abby came to pick them up.

Ziva then went to take a shower and put on one of Tony's shirts and a pair of yoga shorts.

"Hey sweet cheeks." Tony said with a smile when he saw Ziva walk into the living room.

"Hello." She said kissing his cheek.

"Don't you look lovely." He said pulling her into his lap, rubbing his hand on her thigh.

"I was looking for comfort." She said, her thick Israeli accent driving him crazy.

"You look perfect Ziva." Tony said kissing her neck.

"Tony." She moaned.

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