I'm Yours

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A couple of weeks later Tony and Ziva got a letter in the mail with their court date to finalize Tommy's adoption.

In two days they would go to the court house and sign the papers.

"Tony." Ziva called. He ran down the stairs with a worried look on his face.

"Are you okay? Is it the baby?" He asked frantically checking her for any signs of injury.

Ziva laughed and handed him the envelope.

He looked at her confused.

"You need to read it too and I did not feel like walking all the way up the stairs." She giggled.

He read the paper and a huge smile made its way to his face.

"Really? He's really going to be ours in two days?" Tony asked happily.

"Yes." Ziva said happily.

"Well can we tell him?" Tony asked.

"Yes Tony. I think it would make him happy." Ziva said softly.

"Tommy!" Tony called.

They laughed as they heard multiple little feet hurrying down the stairs.

"Yes Abba?" He asked.

"We've got something to tell you." Tony said picking him up.

"What?" Tommy asked.

"Well tateleh, we got a letter today about you." Ziva said with a smile.

"In two days we get to go to the big castle building and sign some papers er and you get to stay here forever." Tony finished happily.

Tommy's face lit up and he let out a happy squeal.

The next couple of days seemed to drag on slowly. Like when you are so excited for Christmas and it takes forever for it to come.

"Ima when do we go?" Tommy asked.

"Soon dear." She said kissing his head.

"Ziva have you seen my black shoes?" Tony called.

"They were by the back door." She yelled.

"Damn dog! Tali come get your dog!" Tony yelled.

He grumpily walked in with a half eaten shoe.

"We said yes to a dog because?" He huffed.

"Because she is cute I guess. I do not know." Ziva said trying not to laugh.

"Oh you think this is funny? Just wait till its a pair of your shoes." Tony said crossing his arms.

"Shoes are replaceable Tony." Ziva said humorously.

"But these were my favorite." Tony whined.

"Then I will get you another pair ahava." Ziva said kissing his cheek.

"Here Ima." Tali said handing her a slimy chewed up piece of shoe. Ziva grimaced.

"Thank you Tali." Ziva said quickly discarding it in the trash can.

"Kalev at Abba's shoe." She giggled.

"That is bad Tali if he does that he will have to live outside." Ziva told her.

"Oh." She said.

"Come one we have to finish getting ready. It starts at ten." Ziva said picking her up and took her to get dressed.

"Tony will you dress the boys please?" Ziva called.

"Sure Sweet cheeks." He called back.

"Alright Tali. Let's pull your hair back into a pony tail." Ziva said pulling a brush through her long curls.

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