She speaks

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Even though Tali had begun speaking to her parents again she refused to talk to anyone else. She would just look at them with a blank far off look.

Tony and Ziva had gone to Abby's for thanksgiving and all Tali would do was look at them and choose a language they couldn't speak to talk to her brothers.

"Ziva what is she speaking now?" McGee asked.

"Russian." Ziva said as she watched Alex and Tali play.

"Is that normal?" Jenny asked walking up with a sleeping Aria.

"She speaks to Tony and I in English. She will speak English at home. But the moment we step out that door she refuses to talk to anyone else or in English. Her psychologist does not know what to think" Ziva said honestly.

"Does she think we're going to hurt her or something?" Ellie asked.

"No she knows she is safe. But I think her fear is she was speaking English when she got taken so she is afraid if she speaks English in public it will happen again." Tony said sitting down next to Ziva with Isabel in his arms.

"Why is it they are up and down at opposite times?" Abby asked

"Aria was up all night. Isabel actually slept." Ziva groaned.

"I couldn't imagine twins. I don't know how you do it Ziva." Ellie said.

"I will not lie it is sometimes difficult. But I have Tony's help a lot yes." Ziva said smiling at Isabel.

"Yeah it's hard Bishop but we've got loads of help if we need it." Tony agreed.

"Ima Alex needs you." Tommy said frantically.

Ziva got up quickly and followed Tommy out to the tree house.

"Alex are you okay?" Ziva asked, concern laced in her voice.

"Don't let any girls come up here!" He shouted.

"The girls are inside. What is the matter?" She asked.

"I broke my pants." He mumbled. Ziva sighed and climbed the tree house. She gave him a sympathetic smile and examined just how bad he ripped his pants.

"Alex how did you manage to rip them so bad?" Ziva asked standing the young boy up.

"Tommy and I were racing to the slide and I got caught on a nail and when I jumped on the slide it ripped and I didn't go down." He explained.

"Well Abba packed you all an extra pair of clothes just in case something happened. Come with me and I will get them for you." Ziva said making her way back down the tree house. And sure enough she saw the nail sticking out.

"Tony can you or McGee fix that nail by the slide? Alex has ripped his pants on it and I do not want them to get cut." Ziva asked.

"Sure thing sweetcheeks." Tony said putting Isabel in her playpen.

Once the nail was firmly back into place and Alex had a change of pants the kids were back to playing.

"Ima." Tali called.

Ziva walked over to her and looked where she was pointing.

There was a strange woman who had pulled up in a sleek black Aston Martin.

"Tali go to Abba." Ziva ordered sternly.

Tali hesitated for a moment but the look on her mother's face told her it wasn't a debate.

Ziva stood calmly as the woman approached her.

"Ziva why did you send your beautiful daughter away?" The woman asked.

"She need not be confused. She has already gone through enough." Ziva said bitterly.

"Surely she would like to know me." The woman countered.

"She knows nothing of you and I have no plans to change that." Ziva said coldly.

"Tsk tsk." The woman rolled her eyes.

"Why are you here?" Ziva asked.

"I am getting old Ziva. I would like to know my granddaughter." She said calmly.

"She is not your granddaughter." Ziva seethed. Just as Ziva made a step towards the woman Tony walked out.

"Ziva Tali said there was a strange-" he stopped talking once he saw the tension of the situation.

"Ah you must be Tony. Eli told me much about you. American yes." The woman said.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Tony asked pulling Ziva into his side.

"Ziva have you not told them about me?" The woman asked hurt.

"I did not think it was necessary no." Ziva said

"I am her mother." The woman said reaching her hand out to Ziva.

Ziva flared at her.

"My mother is dead." Ziva sneered.

"What do you mean you're her mother? I thought it was just Talia that faked her death." Tony said confused.

"She is the woman Eli married after my mother died. I have not seen or spoke to her in years." Ziva said crossing her arms.

"Then how did you find us? And why now?" Tony asked.

"Mossad." She said calmly.

"Orli." Ziva growled.

"Yes Ziva she told me about little Tali. I so want to meet her." The woman said eagerly.

"Look lady none of our children know about you. They're young. I don't want to confuse them. So maybe you should've thought of a phone call." Tony said.

"Children? As in more than one?" The lady asked excited.

"Madlenka it is best you leave." Ziva said coldly. Noticing the crowd around the window.

"Ziva I just want-"

"Leave." Ziva said sternly.

Madlenka gave a sad look but nodded her hear.

Ziva and Tony watched as she opened the car door.

She turned back.

"We will try again Ziva. I do hopeone day we can be a family again." Madlenka said.

Ziva gave a far off look and grit her teeth. Only relaxing once the car was out of sight.

"You going to tell me what that was about?" Tony asked.

I'd like to know as well." Gibbs said with Tali on his hip.

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