Baby One More Time

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It had been a month since Tali had started pre-school and she now loved going to school. She was making friends well.

When Ziva picked Tali up from pre-school she heard the teacher getting on to Tali for not speaking English.

"Excuse me." Ziva interrupted the teacher.

"Yes Ms?" The lady asked. 

"David. Why is she getting in trouble to speaking in Hebrew?" Ziva asked shortly.

"Well you see nobody can understand her she keeps speaking in multiple languages, and it's not proper-" Ziva cut the lady off.

"So my child is reprimanded for speaking more than one language? That is ridiculous. She knows five different languages and she is three. That is more than you can say." Ziva ranted.

"Ma'am I apologize it is just easier when we can understand them." The teacher tried to correct what she'd done.

"Come on tateleh, Abba is waiting with the boys." Ziva said holding her hand out to Tali.

The teacher made a face of discuss when she heard the mixture of foreign language in her words.

"I cannot believe that woman!" Ziva raged as she buckled Tali in.

"What happened?" Tony asked.

"She got in trouble for speaking in Hebrew and French from what Tali said. I walked in on the teacher getting on to her." Ziva grumbled.

"Well she knows five languages. She's got to use them or she'll forget." Tony said.

"I know. I speak twice that many." Ziva said.

"Where are we going Ima?" Tali asked.

"We are going home tateleh." Ziva said softly.

Tony looked at her cautiously. First she was in a rage, and now she's happy as could be.

"Can we go see Pa?" Tali asked.

"Not today. Pa and Granny Jen are busy." Tony told her.

They rode the rest of the ride home in silence. One they got there the unloaded all three kids and headed inside.

"How about pizza and a movie?" Tony asked.

"Yes!" Tali screamed.

"I piwck?" Alex asked.

"Why not? You haven't picked in a little while." Tony said picking him up.

Tommy stood there waiting for Ziva to come back in the room. When she did he gravitated towards her.

"Tommy what is the matter." She said softly picking him up, she smiled when she noticed he seemed heavier.

He had gained some weight but was still really light for his age.

"My mommy is gone." He said sadly.

Ziva's heart broke. He hadn't asked much about his parents and she was kind of happy for that.

"She is watching over you from heaven Tommy. She is your guardian Angel." Tony told him.

"I want her here though." He said sadly.

Tali heard what he had said and rushed over.

"I'm sorry you don't have a mommy any more. But Ima can be both our mommy's if you want her too. She loves you like me and Alex." Tali said.

Tony and Ziva looked at her with wide eyes. They loved all three of the children and were planning on finalizing Tommy staying with them.

"But I already had a mommy." Tommy argued.

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