Christmas P1

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Soon Christmas was just a few weeks away and everyone was excited. Even Ziva had taken part of the Christmas decorating.

"Why do you chop down a tree if it is just going to die and be no good for next year?" She asked Tony as the kids ran around the tree park trying to find the best tree.

"It's all about this." He said gesturing towards the kids running around happily.

"They are cute." Ziva laughed.

They had left the twins with Abby, Jenny and Ellie seeing as how they were having dinner with them tonight.

"Ima look!" Tali screamed pointing to a really big tree.

"It is pretty Tali." Ziva said taking in the full branches.

"I like it too." Alex said crawling out from under it.

"Will it fit in the house?" Tommy asked.

"It will be perfect. Is this the one y'all want?" Tony asked.

"Yes!" They yelled in unison.

Tony and Ziva laughed.

"Alright this one it is then." Tony said paying the guy and letting him chop it down.

"Get back Alex." Ziva said as he kept trying to look closer at the tree getting cut.

"Sorry Ima." He said raising his hands up for her to pick him up.

She lifted him into her arms easily. And he sighed content.

"Ima!" Tali screamed.

Ziva's head snapped towards Tali as a woman drug her away by her arm. The lady slapped Tali in the face and began to run.

"Tony!" Ziva screamed all but launching Alex into his arms.

She took off after the woman and Tony called the police.

As Ziva closed in on the woman carrying Tali she realized Tali was going to get hurt no matter what. If she knocked the woman to the ground Tali would surly be squashed.

But if she didn't, the woman would get away with her child and heavens knows what she would do to her.

Ziva launched herself at the woman and tackled her to the ground.

She heard Tali's sharp intake of breath as she collided with the ground. Not a sound coming from the child after that.

But Ziva didn't have time to check on her. Her fist connected to the woman's face and she flipped her around and pinned her down on her back.

Tony came running up with Tommy and Alex in his arms. He sat them down and pulled Tali into his arms.

"Are you okay?" He asked checking her for serious injuries.

She had a little cut above her eye. And scrapes down her left arm.

"Tali baby are you okay?" Tony asked again. She just looked at him. Not uttering a word.

"Why isn't she saying anything? What did you do?" He yelled at the woman.

Ziva took the handcuff the officer offered her once she flashed her badge.

Once the woman was in the car she ordered them to take her to NCIS. Then turned her attention to her daughter.

"Talia." She said softly. Tali looked at her but said nothing.

Ziva lifted her into her arms and examined her wounds. She was worried about the one above her eye.

"Ducky will fix you up." Ziva murmured kissing her head.

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