35 weeks

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Ziva was now thirty five weeks pregnant and could not wait to get the baby out. Her mood swings were all over the place. And it was very easy to irritate her.

"Hey Ziva." McGee said casually.

"Hello." She said grumpily tossing her purse into the corner by her desk.

He looked at her cautiously. Then sent Tony a questionable look. Tony smiled and pointed to his stomach then to Ziva.

Which she saw and punched him.

"Sorry sweet cheeks." He groaned.

"I cannot wait to get her out of me. She could come right now. But no I have to wait five more weeks. I swear if she is late!" Ziva growled.

"Calm down kid." Gibbs said handing her a bowl of different kinds of fruit in it.

"Thank you?" She asked confused.

"Jenny said to give you that." He said.

"Oh." Ziva said sitting down at her desk.

"So Ziva when is the little monster going to get here?" McGee asked.

"She will be here in five weeks. And she is not a monster." Ziva grumbled.

"Well I love you like this." Tony said.

"Oh yes a beached whale is what every man wants." She snapped.

"You look perfect." Tony reasoned.

"You did this to me. How about you carry her? You give birth tell me how you like it." Ziva growled.

Gibbs and McGee sat there watching the two agents.

Gibbs looked amused. He knew she was hurting and ready to have the baby. And her hormones were everywhere and she was an ex-assassin so that made her scarier.

"Sweet cheeks I said I was sorry." Tony mumbled.

"I am going to Abby's." Ziva grumbled walking to the elevator.

"What did you do to your wife DiNozzo?" Gibbs smirked.

"She couldn't reach her feed to put her shoes on this morning. And I laughed when she tried. Bad move." Tony sighed.

"Good job DiNozzo. She may actually kill you." Gibbs laughed.

"Seriously Tony why would you provoke her?" McGee asked.

"Because he's an idiot." Ellie said.

"Thanks Bishop." Tony grumbled.

"So I really can't know the name?" Ellie asked.

"Nope. It's under lock and key." Tony mused.

"Come on Tony. It's only five weeks till. I want to know." She complained.

"Alright you three get to work." Gibbs said heading to the elevator.

He got in and went to Abby's to get Ziva.

"Hey Ziver." He said once he got there.

"I am sorry Gibbs it is just so aggravating. I want her out now." And said worn a scowl.

"Well you did this to yourself Ziva. And besides. You'll be so happy to hold her in your arms." Gibbs told her. Abby stood there shocked.

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