Return of The Ex

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A month later Tony and Ziva decided to take the kids to the park.

"Ima come play on the merry-go-round." Tali begged.

"No Tali. I would rather keep my breakfast." Ziva declined.

"Abba will you come?" She asked pushing her bottom lip out.

"Sure princess." Tony said.

"Sixteen weeks along and you would think the sickness would go away." Ziva grumbled, she rubbed her hand over her slightly swollen stomach. Not enough for anyone to notice with a loose shirt.

"Ashtyn come back here!" A woman yelled but the little girl ran straight for the merry-go-round.

"Can I ride too?" She asked Tony.

"Sure thing kid." He said helping her up.

"Tony?" The woman asked.

He looked up and his stomach dropped.

"Jeanne?" He asked.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"My wife and I wanted to bring the kids to the park." He said pointing to Ziva and then to the kids.

"I didn't know you had children." She said.

"Lots changed since the last time I saw you." He said awkwardly.

He picked Tali up and walked over to Ziva.

"You married your partner?" She asked in an annoyed tone.

"Well not yet but we're working out the details." He said happily.

"You never answered any of my calls." Jeanne said.

Ziva gritted her teeth. She did not feel comfortable around her nor did she want their children around her.

"Didn't have anything to say. I've got everything I need right here." he said pulling the kids closer to him and Ziva.

"You never answered but I was calling to tell you about your daughter." She said.

"What?" Ziva asked. Her heart sinking.

"That's not possible." Tony said.

"She's yours." Jeanne argued.

"I want a DNA test to prove it." Tony challenged.

"Fine." Jeanne huffed. She gave him her new number and stomped away with Ashtyn.

Tony looked at Ziva worried.

"Ziva there's no way that kid is mine." He said quickly.

"I hope not." she said hiding the hurt she felt. She knew she had no right to be hurt by the situation because it was before they got together but she couldn't help it.

"We'll get this sorted out." He said hugging her.

"Abba who was that mean lady?" Alex asked.

"Someone I used to know buddy." Tony said picking him up.

"She made Ima sad, I saw it in her eyes." He whispered into Tony's ear.

Tony sighed.

He pulled out his phone and made an appointment and sent the time and date to Jeanne. He was going to figure this out one way or another.

"Who's hungry?" He asked pulling the picnic basket out.

"Me!" All three kids yelled.

Tony unpacked the fruit and sandwiches.

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