Madlenka David

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"So spit it out. Who is she?" Gibbs asked sternly.

"Madlenka, technically she is Ziva's stepmother." Tony answered.

"Eli was married?" McGee asked.

"How did she find you?" Bishop chimed in.

"Yes Gibbs he was married but I have not spoken to her in years. Orli told her about Tali. I assume she went through Mossad to find where we would be." Ziva said bitterly.

"What's her angle?" Gibbs questioned.

"She said she wanted to meet Tali. Then once I mentioned that the children were all too young and would be confused she wanted to meet the rest of them." Tony explained.

"She will not be anywhere near them." Ziva said fiercely pulling Tali closer to her body.

"Tali go play with your brothers." Tony said pulling her gently from Ziva's arms.

"What did she do?" He asked once Tali was out of ear shot.

Ziva sighed. Her face hardening.

"When my father decided to beat me she would tell him to continue.  She always made my beatings worse." Ziva murmured

"Now she wants to come play grandma." Tony grumbled.

"I will not allow her near them." Ziva said seriously.

"We will get a protection detail for the kids until she leaves." Gibbs said stiffly.

Jenny looked at Gibbs with a worried expression.

"She has Mossad on her side Jethro." Jenny said stiffly.

"Orli will give her what she wants. She still funds most of the organizations." Ziva said bitterly.

"Well figure it out." Tony assured her.

They looked on at the children giggling and playing. Ziva sighed. They would figure it out. They always did. But she was so riled up she requested to go home. To which Tony obliged.

They loaded the kids up and began their journey home.

"Ziva its going to be alright." Tony assured her, grabbing her hand gently.

"Tony she is dangerous. She does not love them. She has to have other intentions." Ziva worried.

"We will keep them safe." Tony promised.

They rode the rest of the way home in silence.

Once they pulled in Kalev began barking hysterically. Excited that his family was home. 

"I'll let him out before he wakes them up." Tony said rushing towards the door.

Ziva unbuckled Tali and the boys. While Tony came and got the twins.

"Ima." Tali whispered rubbing her eyes.

"Shh Tali we will get to bed soon." Ziva assured her. She pulled Tommy and Alex in her arms and Tali followed her in.

"Good night baby." Ziva said as she laid Tali in bed. She gently kissed her head and left the room.

"Ziva." Tony said softly pulling her into a hug. She sighed but instantly relaxed.

"I do not trust her Tony." Ziva whispered.

"I know. I don't either. But no matter what I will keep y'all safe." He promised.

"Put Kalev in Tail's room. She will sleep better with him there." Ziva said softly.

The dog happily jumped into Tali's bed and curled into her side.

"I don't know why I like that dog so much." Tony grumbled.

"Madlenka." Ziva hissed. Causing Tony to take the last four steps of the stairs in one leap and quickly grab the gun at the top of the bookcase.

"Just hear me out Ziva." Madlenka plead.

"Why should I?  You put me through hell. And you broke into my house!" Ziva said viciously.

"Why are you hear?" Tony asked aiming the gun at her.

"That is hardly necessary Anthony." Madlenka said with a bored tone.

"I made it clear. You will have nothing to do with my children." Ziva sneered.

"I have a right to see my own grandchildren Ziva." Madlenka said. Irritation clear on her face.

"They are not your grandchildren. You are not my mother. So I suggest you leave now." Ziva seathed.

"Madlenka here's the deal. You've trespassed on private property. Breaking and entering the home of not one but two federal officers. And any minute now people will be walking through that door and you will be arrested." Tony said.

"You are lying. I have people all around the house and I have no reports of any unexpected company." She said boldly.

Ziva glared at her. They had practically walked into an ambush.

"Gibbs will be here shortly." Tony whispered as he walked closer to Ziva.

"Leave with your life while you can." Ziva threatened.

"Oh I am just about done here." Madlenka said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tony growled.

"I told you Ziva. I will have them." Madlenka said with a wicked smile.

Just then Kalev began barking and Tali started screaming.

"Ima! ABBA! Help!" She screamed.

Causing both Tony and Ziva to lunge up the stairs into Tali's room to see Kalev attacking someone in a black suit and Tali hiding in her closet.

Ziva grabbed Tali and Tony shot the man in the leg. Pulling Kalev off and handcuffing the mad to the metal bed frame.

"Ziva check the boys. I'll check the twins." Tony said frantically.

Ziva walked into Tommy and Alex's room only to find it empty. She screamed for Tony only for him to come panicked and telling her the twins were gone.

Tony raced down the stairs where he ran into Gibbs, McGee, and Bishop.

"Where is she?" Tony yelled.

"Tony nobody is here but us." Bishop said softly.

Ziva came running down the stairs with a crying Tali in her arms.

"They are gone Gibbs." Ziva said as tears ran down her face.

"Who's gone?" Gibbs asked.

"They got the twins. And Tommy and Alex." Tony said bitterly.

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