Not Out of The Woods Yet

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It had been two weeks since the whole accident. Tony was recovering quickly from his surgery and Ziva was in less pain.

Tali was still as carefree. Excited that everyone was signing her cast.

But Alex had had yet to wake up. Ziva was finally aloud to hold him, so she rocked him everyday. She sang to him in different languages getting strange looks from other mothers.

"How many languages do you know?" A lady asked her one day.

"Quite a few." Ziva said tiredly.

"Oh. I've heard you sing to him and couldn't tell what you were saying." She said again.

"Just some nursery rhymes I learned as a child and throughout the years." Ziva told her.

"Sorry my names Janice." the lady said, sticking her hand out.

"Ziva." She said shaking the woman's hand.

"I wish I could hold my daughter. She's just too small right now. What's wrong with your son?" Janice asked.

"Car accident. They tell me he is in a coma." Ziva explained. "What about your daughter?"

"Emma, she was born at 28 weeks, it seems that everything that can go wrong does." Janice said sadly.

"I am sorry." Ziva said softly.

"What's his name?" Janice asked.

"Alex." Tali chimed in.

"Well hello." Janice said brightly.

"Tali it is rude to interrupt." Ziva scolded.

"Sorry Ima." Tali said sulking.

"What's that mean?" Janice asked.

"Mom or mother in Hebrew." Ziva told her.

"That is neat." She said. "Well it was nice to meet you Ziva, I hope little Alex gets better soon."

"Thank you Janice I hope Emma gets better as well." Ziva said, kind of relieved that she left.

"Tony." Ziva said.

"Yes sweet cheeks?" He asked.

"Will you hold him?" She asked seeing. As how Tali wanted to sit in her lap.

"Yes." Tony said carefully taking his son into his arms.

"I've never been so scared to hold him." Tony whispered.

"I know." Ziva said softly.

"I hope he wakes up soon." Tali said sadly.

"Me too princess." Tony said softly.

"Ima can I have something to eat?" Tali asked. Ziva smiled.

"Sure Tali." She said standing up and taking her hand. They made their way to the cafeteria.

Tony smiled as they left and looked back down to his son.

"Oh Alex I really wish you'd wake up son." Tony said.

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