McAbby Baby

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A couple months later everyone was back on their normal routines.

Tony and Ziva were able to return back to work.

"Grab your gear." Gibbs said as he walked in, coffee in hand.

Everyone jumped up quickly, only one person falling in their butt.

Hey curly brown hair now a mess in her face. And her thick Israeli accent filled the air as she said a few choice words on the matter.

She had grown light headed and collapsed, again.

"Ziva!" Tony said alarmed as he rushed to help her up.

"I am fine Tony." She said annoyed.

"This still happening Ziva?" Gibbs asked.

"Once or twice when I stand up too fast." Ziva told him honestly.

"Stay here. Go down to see if you can help Abby any. I don't want you out in the field unless you are good." He said.

"But Gibbs." she argued.

"No butts Ziva. Down to Abby, now before I make Ducky your next visit." Gibbs ordered sternly.

Ziva sighed and followed them to the elevator. Disgruntled as she may be she did as she was told.

Because lets face it. She was a bad ass and everyone knew this. But even though she was scary, Gibbs was not one to mess with.

"Hey." Tony said softly as him and the rest of them were getting out of the elevator.

"What?" She asked softly.

"I love you." He said giving her a quick kiss.

"I love you too. Stay safe." She said pushing him after Gibbs.

She went off to Abby's lab and as usual the happy goth was blaring music.

"Abby!" Ziva yelled.

"Oh hey Ziva." Abby said happily.

"You have gotten huge." Ziva said smiling.

"Yeah just a couple more weeks. Maybe that's what the doctor says. Any day to a couple more weeks." She rambled happily, rubbing her swollen stomach fondly.

"Boy or girl? You could tell me." Ziva said.

"No Ziva you know it's a surprise." Abby said laughing.

"But I hate surprises." Ziva whined.

"Ziva no." Abby said trying to sound serious.

"I bet I can guess. And I will know if you are lying." Ziva said humorously.

"No! No super ninja Mossad human lie detector." Abby said.

"It is a boy yes?" Ziva asked. Abby looked at her shocked.

"It is! Aw congratulations." Ziva said happily.

"Don't tell Tony or Tim that you know." Abby said in defeat, laughing at Ziva.

"Okay it will be our secret." Ziva said.

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