Coming Home

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Tony and Ziva sat out side the cozy little cafe enjoying their breakfast before they had to go home.

Their flight leaves in a couple hours, and as nice as these past two weeks have been, they were ready to be home. They missed their children and their friends dearly.

"Do you think Tali will like this hat?" Tony asked holding up the pink hat.

"It is pink she will love it." Ziva said humorously.

"And Tommy and Alex will like these?" He asked showing her the two cars. One red, one blue.

"I am sure they will. Seeing as how much they love cars." Ziva said brightly.

"This was a great honeymoon." Tony said taking her hand.

"I agree. It was lovely Tony." Ziva said softly. She loved Paris and everything about it. The food, the weather, the sights, the food.

"We'll come back one day. Bring the kids they'll love it." Tony promised.

"After the baby is born." Ziva said.

"Definitely. Maybe we can come while you're on leave." Tony suggested.

"As great as that sounds, I do not think we should be taking a new born on a plane to another country. She could get sick. You know how unsanitary air ports are." Ziva fretted.

"Good point." Tony said, he defiantly didn't want to risk that.

"Maybe next summer we can come back. Aria will be old enough and Tali will be out of school for a few months, we might be able to get the whole team to come. It would be fun." Ziva mused.

"Alright." Tony chuckled. He looked at his watch in alarm.  They had talked for almost two hours.

"Zi we gotta go!" He said. It was a good thing that the little cafe was next to the air port.

"Tony I will be as quick as I can but I am not running." Ziva said seriously.

"We'll make it. Plane leaves in twenty minutes." Tony said pulling their luggage behind him.

They made it to the gate with ten minutes to spare. Tony handed them the tickets and tugged their luggage.

Once he made sure Ziva was comfortable he packed the rest of their stuff into the carry on compartment.

Ziva fell asleep quickly, snuggled into Tony's side.

Tony pulled out his phone and scrolled through Facebook. He smiled when he saw Abby's posts.

Tali was sitting on McGee's shoulders while Tommy and Alex were latched onto his legs.

The caption read, Uncle Tim's Three Musketeers.

"Hey Ziva. Look." Tony said as she began to wake up.

He smiled at her sleepy face and handed her his phone. It took her eyes a moment to adjust but then a bright smile crossed her face.

"I cannot wait to see them. I have missed them terribly." She said softly.

"Me too." Tony said.

"I have something I want to ask you." Ziva said. She almost seemed nervous so she had his attention immediately.

"What is it?" He asked curiously.

"I was wondering. If some day you would consider going to Israel?" She asked softly. Not meeting his eyes.

Tony's eyes softened and his stance was less ridged. He placed his hand gently under her chin and lifted her head so she had to look at him.

"Sweet cheeks if you want to show them your home, I am more than okay with that. Hell we can even get a house out there to vacation in. Spend the summers there if you'd like." Tony told her smiling as her face brightened at his news.

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