The ride & the hosptial

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Tony drove quickly to the hospital with Gibbs and the rest of the team behind him.

"You drive like an old woman Tony!" Ziva yelled at him.

"I'm going as fast as I can Ziva." He told her.

"You should have let me drive." She hissed.

"Yeah I wanted us all to live." Tony said.
"We would not have died but we be there by now yes." Ziva argued.

"Look we're here." Tony said

He rushed around the door and helped Ziva out of the car.

"Let's go have a baby sweet cheeks." He said wrapping his arm around her waist.

They walked into the hospital and immediately caught the attention of a young intern.

"Page Pediatrics." She said grabbing a wheel chair.

"Ma'am Dr. Stevens is coming."

"Thank you." Ziva said through her clenched teeth.

They waited a little while and Tony helped Ziva into the hospital gown.

"Ah Ms. David. I was hoping to see you a little later." Dr. Stevens said a smile on her tired face.

"Well this little one had different plans." Ziva said.

"I see. Let's get you hooked up and see how far dilated you are."  She said.

"We won't have to wait too long, you're already about six centimeters dilated." Dr. Stevens said.

"Great." Ziva said biting her lip as the next contraction hit.

"I'll be back shortly to check on you."
After Dr. Stevens left Tony turned towards Ziva.

"Ziva do you need me to get anything?" Tony asked.

"No thank you Tony." She said.

"We're almost there sweet cheeks." He said, flashing her his famous DiNozzo smile.

"I know. I am glad you did not miss it." She said. Her eyes filling with tears again.

"Hey I wouldn't have missed this for the world." Tony said. "But I do have a question."

"Okay ask." She said.

"Gibbs said he had known for about six months. We spoke over MTAC almost four months or so ago. Why didn't he tell me?" Tony asked.
Ziva signed.

"I wanted to let him tell you Tony. I really did. But I know you, you would not have been able to focus on finding Ray." Ziva said

"You know what I went for." Tony stated.

"Yes. Gibbs told me." She said touching her hand to his cheek. "You always save me."

"And I always will." He told her. They stared into each others eyes until another contraction came, ruining the mood.

"God! Tony I swear you will never touch me after this baby is born." She groaned. Tony laughed. Causing her to, what he could only guess was cussing, in Hebrew.

"Hang in there Zi." Tony said.

They sat there for another hour. Ziva's contractions becoming closer and closer together. Dr. Stevens finally returned.

"About time." Tony murmured.

"Alright Ms. David, lets see where we are." She said

"Sounds good." Ziva said through her teeth.

"Oh my that happened faster than I was expecting." Dr. Stevens said.

"What happened?" Ziva demanded.

"The baby is crowing. I can see the head." She explained.

Ziva's heart rate picked up. Her baby was almost here. She didn't know how to be a mom. Would she be a good mom?

"I cannot do this Tony." Ziva said, fear in her voice.

"It's a little late for that Ziva. You'll do fine." He assured her, grasping her hand in his.

"I do not know how to be a mother Tony." She said.

"I don't think anybody does Ziva. They just do as they go." He told her.

"I hope you two are ready to meet your baby. Because nows the is the time." Dr. Stevens said as a few more nurses rush into the room.

"Like right now?" Tony asked. His hands starting to sweat. He'd just got done trying to reassure Ziva she would be a good mother. But now he was doubting his abilities.

"Yes. Alright Ziva. I want you to push on your next contraction." Dr. Stevens said.

Ziva nodded, fear in her eyes.
Tony grabbed Ziva's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. They could be nervous together. As the next contraction came Ziva's face was full of pain and determination.

"Good Ziva the head is out." Dr. Stevens said. Tony excitedly leaned forward to see only to sit back with a pale face.

"Do not even think about passing out on me DiNozzo!" Ziva growled noticing his pale face.

"Of course not Ziva. Wouldn't dream of it." He said weakly.

An hour later, Tony and Ziva were parents. Dr. Stevens cleaned and wrapped their new baby in a white blanket.

"Congratulations. It's a..."

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