NCIS again?

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A month after Tali was born Tony and Ziva returned back to work. Though it was a lot earlier than most first time parents would, they felt better having a normal schedule. Plus Abby loved the thought of having Tali while they were in the field.

"Let's get you dressed tateleh." Ziva cooed as she lifted Tali out of her crib. She picked out a cute little white onesie that Abby had gotten made for her that said, "Agent in the Making" and a pair of pink pants with white socks. And a sparkly headband with a pink flower on it.

"That's cute." Tony said as he walked in with the diaper bag.

"I thought it would be cute for her to come to NCIS with it. Not to mention Abby will love it." Ziva said happily.

"Here. Let me take her and you go eat." Tony said taking Tali from Ziva's hands.

"I am not hungry Tony." She protested.

"Zi you barely ate anything last night. You've got to be hungry. Go it's not that much. Just some eggs and bacon and pancakes." He told her.

"Not that much?" She grumbled under her breath. Ever since she had Tali she hadn't been able to fit into her old clothes very well and she was cutting down on meals and working out more. Desperate to loose the baby fat. She walked down the stairs and sat at the table. She picked at her food. Eventually finishing it.

"See that wasn't horrible." Tony chuckled as he walked in with baby spit-up on his jacket. Ziva giggled.

"I should've mentioned I had just fed her." She laughed.

"That would have been nice sweet cheeks." Tony said playfully.

"We'll go clean up you smell like hurtled milk." Ziva said wrinkling her nose.

"It's curdled milk Ziva." Tony corrected with a million watt smile.

"Whatever Tony go change before we are late." Ziva gripped taking Tali in her arms.

"Are you ready to see everyone again Tali?" Ziva asked the small child. Her little brown eyes gazed up at her happily as gurgling noises came from her little mouth. Looking down at her daughter in amazement wondering how she had gotten so lucky to have such a beautiful child.

Tony came back with a new jacket on and grabbed Tali's bag. The family of three headed to the door and loaded up in the car.

Ziva let Tony drive seeing as how they now had Tali with them. After everyone was buckled they set off. Tony reached over to hold Ziva's hand.

"Well we can say bye to our hearing once we get there." Tony chuckled.

"Yes Abby will be very happy." Ziva agreed.

"I can't to see McGee. I bet he's been sitting at my desk again." Tony pondered.

"Oh Tony." Ziva said rolling her eyes.

"It's true. Wonder how they have done with out us." He said.

"McGee and Bishop are creditable agents Tony I am sure they have been fine under the watchful eyes of Gibbs." She reasoned.

"Good point. Can't get away with anything with that man. He always knows everything." Tony shuddered.

Ziva laughed as they pulled into the familiar parking lot. She swaddled Tali in a fuzzy blanket and the three headed inside.
The familiar ding of the elevator announcing their arrival.

Tony grabbed Ziva's hand and gently tugged her along towards their desks. So far they were unnoticed.

"I wonder when Tony and Ziva are coming back." McGee said.

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