Stress Stress Stress. It haunts us all.
-Holding the hand of someone you love is proven to relieve stress and reduce pain. You can even hold a picture or stuffed animal or pet. Heck, hug yourself!
-Do something that you know won't frustrate you. Any hobby, chore, or something simple like petting an animal or cleaning your room. Messy room, messy mind.
-Read a book or any article of writing.
-Watch your favorite film or show. Tv solves a lot of issues.
-Paint or take some photographs, anything to distract yourself.
-Play an instrument or sing
-Get a massage or perform yoga. There are great guides on youtube ranging from beginners too advanced.
-Eat some dark chocolate! says dark chocolate can help when stressed! "Go ahead, grab a chocolate bar. New evidence is in that eating dark chocolate every day can reduce stress. The study, announced today, found that people who rated themselves highly stressed to begin with had lower levels of stress hormones after eating chocolate every day for two weeks."
-Light a candle and daydream about better times.
-Exercise, always a good way to relieve yourself from negative emotions and. helps your body and mind.
Blissful; Self Help Book
SpiritualQuotes, Tips, Music, Books and Advice on how to deal with troubling times from depression, OCD, self esteem panic, self harm, sleep issues, stress, ADHD, eating disorders, anxiety (social anxiety and anxiety attacks as well) , studying/learning pro...