Autumn/Winter/Cold times Special

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How to beat the winter blues and stay mentally healthy in these times of cold, darkness, and well, coldness.

- If you've read a lot of my chapters you know sunlight is key to happiness. Expose yourself to light. Since a shortage of sun exposure comes along during these times its really important to sit by a bright window or go out for a walk during the day even if its snowing, raining or cold. Layer up with leggings, stockings, pants, shirts, sweaters, jackets, vests, hats, scarves and mittens. If this doesn't give you enough of a mood boost, consider investing in a light box or heat lamp( which can also help with insomnia,) This artificial light from these devices is brighter than what's done by ordinary light bulbs  

Sleep Foundation says:
"The theory is that if you sit in front of a light box for at least 30 minutes each day (ideally first thing in the morning), the light will suppress the release of melatonin (which makes you sleepy) and trigger the release of brain chemicals that are linked to a more upbeat mood."

- Again, Focus on the healthy stuff! I know we always want to go straight for comfort food but that will actually hurt you in the end. High levels of carbs and sugar cause grogginess, sloth and rapid decreases in energy levels. Go for healthy alternatives and or vegetable soups and stews, baked or roasted apples and pears, and fresh veggies and fruit. Or to make it easier just look for sugar free, low carb or natural organic versions of your favorites

- Stick to your sleep routines!

- Remember to stay active. Don't stay in all day inside. Put on some extra layers and enjoy lots of winter and autumn activities like ice skating, sled sliding, snowshoeing, seasonal fruit and veggie picking, playing in the snow, holiday decorating, corn mazes, sports games, hiking, or going for a walk in the snow or light rain or breeze.  Get together with friends and see movies, shop, or go to museums even go alone.

- Keep yourself busy! Make small tasks, start cool projects, and keep yourself active and full if potential accomplishments during the cold times to stay of lazy ness and sleeping all day. Even if its small! Like going out more, redesigning a room, start a new book, start building something, a new art piece, start a new hobby or find a cool volunteer job or internship!

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