I recommend seeking professional help for more serious memory issues. Asking for help is not bad.
First things first: Stop drinking, stop smoking, sleep more and move more. The body is just as important as the mind.
- But the mind is also just as important as the body. Just like your body needs to move your mind does too. Certain video games to stimulate the mind help, but also board games, trivia, bridge, card games, mancala, crossword puzzles, board games and playing musical instruments are few of many ways to increase mind exercise abilities.
- Being alone can be a preference, but if you are on the route to prevent or treat memory loss talking is a big way to do so. No rush to make a million friends, this can be done in other ways. Make conversation with workers more often, say hi to people you see a lot, ask questions, join online communities or talk online. If you prefer friendships, talk to more people, join clubs, talk to anyone who is available.
-FISH OIL! Sounds yummy right? Fish oil supplements can be found in grocery shops or in pharmacy's and is fairly inexpensive and you do not need a prescription. It helps prevent and treat memory loss.
- Organization is key! Planners, calendars, phone books, and journals are your friends. Keep your life and mind de cluttered!
- Relax. If you forget something do not be harsh on yourself. It happens to everyone. People make mistakes and we learn from them. Pat yourself on the back and try again.
- The Mayo Clinic reconmends strict ordinance to following medications for other conditions. As some conditions side effects are memory loss and can be easily helped with medication. They say, "Follow your doctor's treatment recommendations for medical conditions, such as depression, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity and hearing loss. The better you take care of yourself, the better your memory is likely to be. In addition, review your medications with your doctor regularly. Various medications can affect memory.."
Blissful; Self Help Book
SpiritualQuotes, Tips, Music, Books and Advice on how to deal with troubling times from depression, OCD, self esteem panic, self harm, sleep issues, stress, ADHD, eating disorders, anxiety (social anxiety and anxiety attacks as well) , studying/learning pro...