Note (Please Read, Please.)

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Please know im not trying to fix you, you are not broken. But sometimes when you have these things im trying to help you with...Well you need a little help to get through it. Personally, sadly i can not remove these things from you. Make them disappear or go away forever. But i can help you get through your life little by little or a lot.

I also want to let you know If these things don't work with you i apologize but theres no 100% guarantee it can work on everybody. So if it doesn't work for you nothings wrong with you, and its not fake or a hoax either. Everyones different, everyone works differently.

I also urge you to not let me be your last result, always continue to try and get better, or to try and succeed. There are endless possibilities and the only one to decide when you stop is you. Don't be the person to be only one in your way. 

Also know im LITERALLY always here. I genuinely will reply as soon as i can just because im in school and constantly have stuff to do. But if i get a message where help is needed i will make it my priority to reply. Don't hesitate, don't be scared im just me and i actually really care. why else would i be saying this? i also have a twitter if thats better for you, @i_is_karinaa.

Take care and Much love,

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