Break ups/Heartbreak

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When you are going through tough times due to a tragic break up or heartbreak, remember asking for help or looking for help is okay. As annoying as it sounds, this is not the end of the world, and this step will only help you find better potential partners as you move forward. Learning to be alone romantically again can be difficult, but as long as you make an effort you will overcome it. 

~Give yourself time. There are no rules on regulations on how long you will need. Take your time and do not rush yourself or feel bad for feeling bad! 

~Don't immediately throw yourself into work (or something else that consumes all your time. Again, do not force yourself to do anything you really know you can not do. Of course, be responsible and prioritize anything that you have to, but do not indulge in hard efforts purposefully to harm yourself or make the situation more distressing. 

~ Give yourself space from your ex. (Or the person who has caused heartbreak.) Sometimes in situations like this you want to stay friends, but if the end of it is really hard on you, you should not force yourself to face them. You need time to heal, and speaking from personal experience, some distance from them only helps. 

~ Block your ex on social media so that you won't be tempted to spend hours pouring over their Profiles. Sounds harsh and maybe petty,  but this will really help in trying to forget about this person and what they did or did not do to you. 

~ Don't fight your feelings. Accept how you feel. Like many say, it is okay to not be okay! Accept you are not feeling the best, but also make an effort o continue your life positively. 

~Try journaling about how you're feeling. This is an especially good thing to do if you're bad at talking with other people about your feelings. It does not have to be a perfect essay or award winning poem. Go ahead and spew your thoughts on a napkin, twitter post or just on a private online document. You deserve to express yourself.

~You don't need to pretend you're fine when you're really really not. Hiding and bottling up those feelings and acting "fine" will hurt more in the end. I can acknowledge that a lot of us prefer to be independent or introverted, and that's totally okay! Just allowing yourself to understand what you are feeling is a great step. 

~Feel free to listen to angsty, angry, sad songs and or playlists to help get those feelings out, but don't stay there. Again, always try to confirm with yourself that you will try to move forward. You do not need to do it right away, but understand that it has to happen. 

~Do things that you enjoy, especially things that you weren't able to do while being part of a couple. Sometimes you just have to be a little selfish and start focusing on the positives of being single. It could be something simple like being able to sleep in more, or something big like being able wear what you want. 

~ Make sure that you have an extracurricular activity that requires your attention (preferably something fun like a hobby so there is no deadline pressure)

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