Sleep issues (insomnia) 2

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- Listen to sleep hypnosis podcasts. Videos and or audios can be found on lots of podcast apps and sites and even YouTube.

- Rub your belly! Placing my hand on my stomach works enough but a light massage on your stomach can aid in relaxation.

- Completely block out sight and sound. Masks, earplugs, or dark curtains.

- Take a cold bath/shower before going to bed. Lowering body temperature can help sleep.

- Sleep naked. Yes it may sound weird but it helps some stay refreshed, comfortable, and cool. 

- A  Weighted blanket can help especially if you can not sleep due to anxiety and or stress issues. 

- Stuffed animals or pillows are great for added comfort. I like to hold something when I sleep, it makes me comfortable and fall asleep quicker.

- Blue light glasses. Due to the new technological era, certain lights emitting from our devices can cause eye strain and mess up our sleep schedules due to the temporary eye issues they cause. Buying blue light glasses can help reduce strained and tired eyes and aid in a better sleep. You can buy them online or in a lot of office and school supply stores.

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