Suicidal thoughts

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Suicide and suicidal thoughts are extremely serious subjects. Please proceed forward with positive energy and your best intuition. If reading this for another person, proceed with care and caution. Everyone is different and experiencing things differently. 

~Talk to people. It does not have to be about what you are thinking or related to suicide. And it doesn't have to be someone you are close to or even like. Talk to a safe stranger, on online forums, anonymous group chats, a follower on social media, or a distant family member. Join a penpal service, an example: Write to your local elderly center or prison to start a local penpal exchange.

~Distance yourself from whatever is causing these thoughts if you can. If you can not,  try your best to stay away from them as much as possible. For example: If your family  has toxic values, get a job, join an extracurricular activity, start running, or start volunteering to find an easy way to get out of the house while getting something out of it like money, volunteer hours, good karma, or just some sunlight. 

~Avoid alcohol and drugs. Alcohol and drugs can cause depression and withdrawals that can make your situation worse. Learn to deal with your issues in a positive way so you do not have to depend on toxic materials. 

~Avoid hard things and things that you know you might fail if you can. While you are feeling suicidal sometimes all you need is some time to yourself. These thoughts are literally proof you need to give yourself a break. You are the important person here, and be honest with those around you to help you relax and avoid rejection in your own sense. Let your boss now, your guardians, your significant other, your teachers and so on. 

~Do pleasurable activities that are simple and easy to do for you to do. This will not only give you satisfaction but also help with distracting yourself. 

~Take care of physical health. Your mental health and physical health are both equally important. Sometimes you need more than a mental health day, maybe a week or a month. Although you're emotional and mental health is important and needs to be taken care of, do not forget about your body needs! Eat some nutritious food, take some vitamins, do some exercise and or stretches and stay clean! Avoiding physical health needs can worsen you're mental and or emotional symptoms. 

~Spend at least 30 minutes in the sun or in any lighted area. You do not have to go outside, sitting by a window or just on your porch will be enough. 

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