Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

~Nina's P.O.V.~

Hi! My name is Nina Tomlinson! Yes, yes I know what your thinking "woah that's Louis Tomlinson's sister!" I know I am.

Now let me tell you a little more about myself.

I'm only 16 years old so I'm still in high school. I have never had a boyfriend before, I know suckish right? I'm 16 and haven't had any boyfriends. I do have plenty of friends though. My closest ones, however, are Emily and Jenna. They are the best things I could ever ask for. As for my family life, well that's a complete different story. It's actually kind of sad. Let me tell you about it.

My mother died the week after I was born. We had just gotten out of the hospital 2 days before and we were shopping for clothes for me. We had finally gotten all of my things and we were heading out of the store, to the car. You can probably guess what happened next. We got out onto the highway, and we saw white headlights right infront of us. My mom saw them to late. We crashed into the car and flew of the road, hitting a tree. My mother died on impact. I, fortunately, was saved. How? Well I really don't know how. No one does. I just think of it as gods gift to let me life a fantastic life. Well it's not so fantastic. My dad on the other hand, is extremely abusive. He was very upset when my mother passed. But he got over it a little eventually. But let's be honest. Who can ever really get over someone's death that you love so much? My life at school, not much better. Everyday at school I get bullied. Over what you might ask? Well I honestly don't know. It may be because I'm not pretty enough. But I never had a mother to grow up with to become a beautiful lady. Or I may not be skinny enough. Whatever the reason, no one should ever be bullied. But with the help of my friends I can get over it... sometimes. This is just the perfect life anyone could want, right?


Hi guys! This is my first fanfiction ever! I really hope I am doing ok so far. I promise it will get better. School just got out so I hopefully will have plenty of time to update my story. Please tell my what I can do to improve this! Thank you so much!

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now