Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

*3 Weeks Later*

~ Zayn ~

"Are you all ready for tomorrow nights concert?" Harry asked.

"Yes god I love being on tour." Liam said.

I was about to say something until my phone rang.

I looked at the caller ID and it said that Perrie was calling me.

"Hey babe! How's it going?" I asked when I answered the phone.

"Zayn please! Please help me!" She begged.

"Perrie?! What's wrong?!" I asked very concerned.

"It's the baby Zayn! There's something wrong with the baby!" Perrie yelled.

"I'm coming home right now!" I said getting up.

"Zayn no-" She protested.

"I don't care about tour right now. You are are more important." I said. "Love you!"

"Love you too!"

"What's happening?" Louis asked.

"Perrie said there's something wrong with the baby. I've got to go to her." I said.

"You go right now. We'll tell Simon once you leave." Liam said.

"Thanks guys!" I said.

I ran out the door of our room and sprinted out the front doors.

I've got two baby's to save here.

*7 hours later*

~ Niall ~

"Zayn. I was taking the medicine. Why didn't it work?" Perrie cried.

"I know you were, babe. I guess it just wasn't time for a little one yet." Zayn said.

All of us were at the hospital because we found out that Perrie had a miscarriage.

We realized that Zayn wasn't going to be back on tour for a little so why be One Direction without Zayn?

I felt so bad for Perrie, she got pregnant then develops a love for the baby and now she can't have her anymore.

"Why me Zayn? What have I done for this to happen?" Perrie wept.

"You did nothing wrong. You did everything you could but it just wasn't enough." Zayn said.

He was over by her bed, trying to calm her down by rubbing her arm.

"It'll all be okay, love. It just wasn't meant to be." Zayn said.

"But I already had a name picked out." Perrie sobbed.

"I know it's hard, I know. But I'm going to help you get through this." Zayn promised.

"Now my Lucy will never get to see the world." Perrie cried silently.

Who's Lucy?

Oh wait, that's the name she wanted.

Oh my god.


No this can't be happening.

"Nina can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked.

She nodded and got up and walked with me out the door and into the hall.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Nina I'm the reason." I said quietly.

"The reason for what?" She asked.

"I'm the reason Perrie lost the baby." I sighed.

"What do you mean Niall? That's impossible." Nina asked.

"Do you remember when I was in a coma?" I asked.

She was silent and looked down and I knew I hit a bad point that she doesn't like to talk about.

"Yes." She said softly.

"Well while I was in that state, call me crazy but I met an angel. She showed me what would've happened to the world if I had died and then once I saw your future, I told her that I wanted to wake up." I said. "She warned me that if I woke up, someone else would die but at the moment, I wasn't thinking."

"I don't see where this is going." Nina said.

"Babe, the angels name was Lucy." I said.

"Niall I really don't think this is your fault." She said.

"Nina I know it is." I argued.

"Even if it was your fault- which it's not- I would still be here for you." She said.

"Thank you Nina. I just can't stand that Perrie's in so much pain." I said, wrapping my arms around her.

After awhile, Nina asked me a question that didn't want to answer.

"Ni, what was my future?"

"What future?" I asked trying to get off the topic.

"What would have happened to me if you had passed?" She asked again.

"Oh, I can't really remember." I lied.

"Niall don't lie to me. What was my future?" She scolded.

I could tell she was getting angry but I didn't want to tell her.

"I killed myself, didn't I?" She questioned softly.

My eyes widened in disbelief as to how she would've known that.

"How did you know?" I asked astonished.

"I couldn't live with myself knowing that you gave up your life to save mine. You took the bullet for me and I was the one supposed to get the pain and the scar and the suffering. Not you." Nina said.

"Listen to me Nina. No way were you supposed to get any of that. I'm glad I got it instead of you. I don't want you to ever feel like you were supposed to go through everyone else's pain." I said.

"I know Niall. I just can't help it sometimes." She said.

"Well I'm here to help get you through it." I said.

"Thanks." Nina said.

I nodded and we walked back into the room, the room of which I started all the madness and hysterics.


Yes hello I know you dont like me right now. But I didn't know who else to make die. Anyways, sorry I said I would update an hour later even though I think it's like 5 hours later. I went to a party lol.

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