Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

~ Niall ~

We had just gotten back from the studio and now my throat hurts.

That was like the longest time we've ever spent there.

Jenna and Emily had left last night.

Right now we all aren't really doing anything.

I've got Nina in my arms while I'm sitting on the couch.

"You're so adorable." I whispered in her ear.

She looked down and I noticed that she was blushing.

I lifted up her chin with my index finger and looked her in the eyes.

I pecked her lips and smiled.

That wasn't all she wanted though.

She leaned in and started kissing me passionately.

The kiss started getting heated pretty fast and we were both into it.

"No PDA on the couch!" Someone yelled.

We pulled away from each other and looked over to none other than Louis Tomlinson.

Nina stood up and then I realized what was going on.

I stood up in front of her and we started kissing again.

"What did I just say?" Louis said.

"No PDA." I said.

"Then why are you two still eating each others faces?" Louis sassed.

"Because you said no PDA on the couch. Are we on the couch? No." Nina sassed back.

"Then how about no PDA at all." Louis said.

Nina pulled away and frowned.

I sat down and she sat down also.

Louis came and sat down on the couch across from us and turned on the TV.

A moment later Zayn walked into the room.

"Vas happenin!?" He says.

"Besides these two shoving their tongues down each others throat, nothing really." Louis said.

Zayn looked over to us and shook his head in a disapproving way.

I smiled at his reaction.

Liam came in and walked over to the couch that Louis was sitting on.

He plopped down with a bottle of water in his hands.

"Such a tiring day." Liam groaned.

"I know right. I don't think we've ever stayed at the studi-" I was interrupted from the lights turning off.

"Gahhhh. I'll go get candles." Louis groaned.

Before he could get up, the door flew open.

I turned my head quickly and there were 3 people at the door with masks and black outfits on.

Nina screamed and got up.

I got up after her and held onto her.

The masked people ran over to Zayn and put something under his nose.

Zayn was trying to fight back but he soon became limp.

Nina screamed again and I think she was in shock.

Liam ran over to Zayn but one of the intruders got to Liam before he could even put up a fight.

"Woah what happ-" Harry came into the room.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now