Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

~ Niall ~

I'm so excited because today Nina comes home from the hospital.

It's been too long and it's time.

I took the honors of going to pick up Nina from the hospital as everyone else is adding the finishing touches to the party.

This party is going to be awesome and I hope Nina will like it.

When I left, everyone was there except for Zayn and Perrie.

I texted him earlier today and he said that Perrie couldn't sleep last night so he went to her place and spent the night there.

The poor thing has gone through so much and she should just be able to live her dream and not worry about this drama.

As I walked down the hall to Nina's room after having signing her out, I started to get very anxious.

I stopped right in front of her door and knocked two times.

"Come in." Her sweet voice said.

I walked in and saw Nina sitting on the edge of her bed looking like he always does.

Her straight blonde hair with bangs that are always pulled back to the side.

Her tight white skinny jeans with her Uggs and black razorback lace top with a white tank top underneath.

She looked up from her phone that she was currently typing away on.

She smiled at the sight of me and I opened my arms, motioning her to come to me so I could give her a hug.

She obeyed and walked over to me, wrapping her arms around my torso.

I kissed the top of her head lightly and said, "ready to go home?"

"Absolutely. I need to get as far away from this place as possible." She laughed.

Gosh I love her laugh.

"Good because I need to get you home. Everyone is missing you." I said.

She pulled away from the hug and went over to the bed to grab her jacket and bag.

"Ok let's go." She says.

I smiled and took her bag so she didn't have to carry it.

"Thanks Niall." She said.

"No problem." I said.

I opened the door and followed her out and down the hall to the exit of the hospital.

We walked to the car and I helped her in to her side then went around to mine and slipped in.

"Not that I didn't love you coming to get me but why didn't anyone else come with you?" Nina asked.

Oh shit.

What do I say to her?

We decided that this was going to be a surprise party so obviously I couldn't say "oh their at home decorating for your party."

"Oh they're just cleaning the house." I said.

That was a really pathetic answer.

"How much of a mess did you guys make?" She laughed.

"You'd be surprised." I said and boy will she be. "In the mood for music?"

"Hell yeah! Do you now how long I've waited not hearing like any music?" She said.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now