Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

~~~ Nina's P.O.V. ~~~

Nick. Nick Smith. Ugh! Every time I see him, I get chills. I have a HUGE crush on him, but lets be honest, why would he go out with me, the loser of the school, when he could lose his popularity. Also, he's the hottest, most popular boy in the school. So again, why would he go out with me. I guess I was standing and staring for awhile because he stopped walking and waved at me. And there goes my heart, beating so fast, I start laughing. But luckily I didn't. I finally got out of my trance and started walking to my new locker that just happens to be next to Amelia Taylor. Amelia is the girl, or beast, that makes my life a living hell. And with my luck, she was there right now. I tried to walk over there without being noticed by her. I just kept my head down. I saw a foot come into my pathway but it was to late. I tripped and fell, my books going all over the place. I looked up and I saw none other than Amelia.


"Well, well, well bitch. I see you have the guts to come back here as you are the stupid little asshole of this school." Amelia says with a smirk.

All I did was just back away on the floor. She came closer to me.

"What's the matter, bitch? Afraid of me?" She says coming even closer.


But I managed to squeak out a quiet "no."

"What was that?" She says pulling me up off the floor.

At this point I just wanted to get to class and away from all this.

"No I am not afraid of you!" I said with lots of confidence I never knew I had.

She pushes me up against a set of lockers and gets really close to my ear and whispers "try it again and you'll wish you never met me."

"I DO WISH I NEVER MET YOU" I wanted to scream, but I didn't. She let go of me and the bell rang for home room. She walked off, leaving me stunned by her words. What did she mean "you'll wish you never met me?"

I don't know. I just don't know. I went to go pick up my books so I'm not late for my first class of the year. When I bent down and picked up my note book I saw another hand that wasn't mine. I looked up. OMFG IT'S NICK!! I smiled and blushed. He handed me my books and we looked into each others eyes. Oh gosh no I think I'm melting.

"Thanks." I manage to say.

"No problem" he says smiling.

"Where's your home room?" I ask him.

"Room 132, what about you?" He asks me.

"Oh um room 122." I say back.

"Oh cool. Hey um do you maybe want to get some pizza after school or something?" He asks me.

OMG is he asking me out? I think he is. OMG he's asking me out of everyone in this school if I want to go out with him! Someone pinch me.

"Yeah sure. That sounds awesome!" I say smiling like an idiot.

"Great! I'll see you then. Bye." He says.

"Bye." I say. And we both walk our separate ways.


As soon as I got to class and sat down, the bell rang. I sat in the middle of Emily and Jenna. The teacher came in the room and we began class.

"Ok, class! I need someone to come up here and show me on the board how to find the area of a triangle." Mrs.Edwards said.

Please don't be me, please don't be me, I rant. I slump down into my chair so you can only see my head.

"Ok I'm looking for someone new." She says. "How about Nina?"

"How about no ya dumb bitch." I mumbled so only Jenna and Emily could hear.

I slowly got up from my chair and went up to the board. "Ok Nina it's simple.

1/2 x base x height. Ok Nina just go write that." I said to myself.

I went up to the board. I could feel everyone's eyes staring into my back. I wrote it I'm done now.

I hear everyone snickering.

"Nina, that was a nice try but that's not the answer I was looking for." Mrs.Edwards said.

Not the right answer? What but that is the right answer! I looked up at the board. I think my face lost all color. I wrote base x height! That's so wrong! I turned around and everyone is laughing at me. I run back to my seat and Emily and Jenna tell me it's "ok" and "everyone makes mistakes".

"Ok who else can show me the answer?" Mrs.Edwards asks.

Olivia raises her perfect manicured hand.

"Ah ok Olivia come on up." Mrs.Edwards says.

Olivia went up to the board and wrote 1/2 x base x height.

"Yes that's right Olivia thank you." Mrs.Edwards says.

Olivia walks back to her seat and smirked at me.

And the worst part is, is that's how my day always goes. Someone always is better than me.


Hey guys! Well I've been thinking I should stop this cause I don't think it's that good. If you think differently then tell me. If I do continue to write this then I will try to make the updates longer cause right now these are suckish. So tell me how I'm doing! Thank you!

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now