Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

~ Perrie ~

The girls and I had just finished a rehearsal so I decided to see how Zayn was doing.

I punched in his number to my phone and it rang.

And rang.

And rang.

And rang.

That's weird, Zayn almost always answers his phone.

It's never out of his sight.

I'll give him a couple minutes and drive home before I call again.

While driving, I started thinking about what Zayn could be doing.

I'm sorry but this really scares me when he doesn't answer his phone.

It may sound over protective but I don't want anything to happen to him.

As soon as I got home, I threw my purse on the counter and pulled out my phone again.

Again, the same thing happened.

I decided to leave a message this time to see if he would get it.

"Hey babe, just wanted to call and see how you're doing. Alright call me back as soon as you get this, love you."

I placed my phone down and started thinking about everything.

I guess I could watch some tv to get my mind off of this.

Something just doesn't feel right.

Plopping down on the sofa, I turned on the tv and the news.

"The weather for London will be cold and rainy with some possible snow so bundle up." The weatherman said.

Yeah okay, the weather is like never right.

That's what happens when you live in London.

"Breaking news," the anchorman said, "pop boyband One Direction has just gone missing along with Nina Tomlinson. Not much information is available but if you have any idea as to where they are, please contact us."

I froze in my position, eyes wide.

They've been kidnapped?

By who?

Why would someone want to kidnap them; how even?

The realization hit me hard and I jumped off the couch and sprinted out the door.

I started to drive but I had no idea where I was going.

After I realized where I needed to go, I could feel the tears stream down my cheeks.

I knew he was in trouble!

I knew something was wrong!

Once I pulled up to her house, I knocked on Emily's door really hard.

She opened it after a couple of seconds and must've seen my face because she pulled me inside quickly.

"Okay calm down, what's wrong?" She asked as we sat on the sofa.

Thank goodness all the girls have become really good friends because I know I can count on them to be there for me.

"Z-Zayn and the g-guys and N-Nina. They were k-kidnapped." I cried.

"Ok Perrie, deep breaths. Now explain what happened as clearly as you can." She said.

I took a deep breath and Emily placed her hand on mine to calm me down.

"Well, when I got out of rehearsals, I called Zayn but he didn't answer. He almost always answers me but I drove home to give him a few minutes. When I got home, I called him again but he still didn't answer. I started to get really scared but decided to watch some tv to get my mind off of it and see if he would return the message I left him. The news was on and they said that the all the boys were kidnapped along with Nina and they don't have any leads on it." I cried.

"Alright, give me a second and I'm calling Jenna." Emily said.

I could see the tears form in her eyes but she held them back.

Within 10 minutes, Jenna was here and we explained the story to her.

"What? So a random psycho has them and no one knows anything?!" Jenna yelled.

"It's going to get better. We can't really do anything right now except wait." Emily said.

"I'm scared. I don't want any of them hurt." I whispered.

"Don't be scared. Please, the fans will find them quicker than the police will." Jenna laughed trying to brighten the mood.

"Who do you think called it in?" I asked.

"Probably Simon or Paul when they realized no one was in the hotel." Emily said.

"It's going to get better. We will find them soon." Jenna said.

And for some strange reason, I believe her but at the same time, I don't.

~ Nick ~

"I can't do this." Eleanor paced the floor of her bedroom.

"What do you mean 'I can't do this'?" I asked.

I swear if she backs out of this now, she will be seeing a lot of horror in her future.

"This isn't right. I can't stand seeing everyone scared and broken." She said.

"I thought you wanted to get revenge on Louis. Don't you want your money?" I said trying to convince her to stay.

"I was wrong. Louis had the right to break up with me. I cheated on him! It was all my fault and I was too dumb to see it." She said.

"What about the money?" I asked again.

"What does it even matter?! Take the money! We're going to get caught and they're going to take it and lock us in jail anyways!" She yelled.

"You know what! You are staying here until you straighten out your act and when you're ready to help again, prove it to me." I said.

Before she could even react to my words, I ran out of the room and locked the door from the outside.

She started banging on the door and fidgeting with knob but obviously nothing was working.

"Get your act together and then we can talk!" I yelled through the door.

"You can't do this!" She yelled.

"But I just did." I smirked and walked away as she continued to yell and scream.

I guess I have to take out the trash by myself.


Hey! Third update today! I'm on a roll! Thank goodness for vacation! So this chapter was a bit different and showed the point of view of Perrie. Now it's announced everywhere that the went missing. Also, Eleanor is feeling guilty and she wants to stop. But we've got Nick who wants to stay in this till the end and plans to keep her here too. So I hope you enjoyed it and I hope to get the next chapter up tonight also. Thank you and please comment and vote! I'd love some of your feedback.

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