Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

~~~ Nina ~~~

I sat at the hospital in this really uncomfortable chair, waiting for the boys to get here.

What really bothers me is, that only 4 will be coming.

The last one is here at the hospital.

I really couldn't take it anymore.

Why would he jump out in front of me?

Why would he say he would die for me?

Why would he confess his love for me, then leave?


I bursted into tears just thinking about it.

I put my head in my hands, hiding.

I may not know anyone here, but I still don't want anyone to see me like this.

About 10 minutes later, I felt a hand on my back.

As an instinct, I jumped up, terrified of what would happen.

I looked to my right, and there sat Louis.

I instantly wrapped my arms around him, being happy that I could finally be with him again.

"It's ok. It's only me." He said calming me down.

I did get kidnapped so I was really happy to see him.

I looked to my left, and all three other boys were there too.

They came over to me and gave me hugs.

"You don't know how happy I am to see you." I smiled.

"Not as much as we are." Harry said.

"It's good to have you back." Louis said.

"Louis, I'm scared." I confessed.

"I know. I am too. But I found you something." He said, reaching into his pocket to receive the foreign object.

He pulled out my cellphone.

It originally had sparkles and jewels on the case, but now it is just a plain, white case.

All the objects that made it unique, were torn off.

I took it from him and smiled.

Surprisingly, it still was at a 30% charge.

I opened up my texts and saw that I had one from none other than Nick.

From: Nick

Oh gosh! Nina are you ok?! Where are you?

I felt really bad for him.

He gets a girlfriend, and then within like 20 minutes, she is kidnapped by her father.

He sent it yesterday.

That made me wonder how long I was gone for.

"Louis. How long was I gone?" I asked him.

"2 days. But we didn't sleep at all. We were looking for you every second of the day." He said.

I started crying again, knowing that I have people that really care for me a lot.

I decided to text Nick back so he wouldn't get more nervous.

To: Nick

I'm fine thanks for asking. I was saved. The guy is in jail now. I'm at the hospital because Niall got shot.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now