Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

~ Louis ~

"Why are you doing this?" Harry asked Eleanor.

"Because this is what I'm getting paid to do." She said.

"But I thought you were trying to help us." Liam said.

"You really thought I was trying to help you? Why the hell would I do something as stupid as that?" She scoffed.

But there was something telling me differently.

Dating Eleanor really showed me her true personality.

I know when she's sad, happy, excited, and most of all, lying.

"That's not true." I said.

"And what would you know?" She laughed.

"I know all about you. You may have forgotten but we dated for quite some time and I learned a lot about you." I said getting closer to her.

"Well you obviously don't know me enough."

"But I do. You're lying. You do want to help us." I studied her frightened eyes and got even closer. "My best guess is that in the beginning you wanted nothing but to hurt me. Isn't that right?"

"I still do want to hurt you for dumping me." She said.

"No, you don't. After awhile, you started to realize that it was you that caused us to break up and wanted to stop."

"That's not true." She protested.

"You want to save or at least help us but you won't get paid and you're scared of being hurt if the two tough guys find out."

"I'm not scared of them."

I completely ignored all of her false statements.

"You wanted to help us before Niall and Nina were taken, I could see it in your eyes. You had the of pain, sorrow, and most of all, guilt. You wanted to participate so no one would think of it."

"None of that is true." She said.

I've gotten pretty close to her by now and I could easily see the tears in her eyes.

"Face it Eleanor, the truth hurts."

She broke down and slummed to the floor, crying.

"I know! It's all true! I'm so sorry! It was my total fault that we broke up and it's my fault that you guys are here now! I didn't want any of you too get hurt physically so when I heard what happened to Niall, I tried to help but Nick caught me and I pretended like I still wanted to go through with this." She cried.

I sat down next to her as the guys awkwardly stood next to us.

"I know. It's okay though. Just run away Eleanor. Run away and get the police and this will be over." I said softly.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" She asked through the tears.

"Because you apologized and that's all I could ask from you. Sure I'm still upset about what you did but I've moved on." I said.

"I'm so sorry."

"No, I'm sorry, Eleanor. Looks like you've been a bad girl." A voice came from around the corner.

I looked up and saw Nick standing there.

"Oh god!" Eleanor scrambled to her feet and backed away as far as she could from Nick.

I was too shocked and I couldn't process this so Eleanor was dragged away into the room we thought was the exit.

All you could hear were her screams down the hall.

"Harry open the door!" Zayn yelled.

Harry quickly turned the knob but it wasn't budging.

"Guys it's locked and we need a key!" He said kicking the door.

"Louis, you kicked a door down once, do it again!" Liam said.

"Guys! The door was in worse shape than this! I can't do it without breaking a bone." I said.

"Don't even think about leaving!" Nick shouted coming out of the room with a gun in his hand.

I stopped moving and froze in my spot.

"Step away from the door and get over here." He said in a menacing tone.

The lads and I slowly walked towards Nick and then he pushed the gun into Liam's back as we were pushed down the hall.

~ Niall ~

God I'm so stupid!

I can't believe I actually thought we could escape.

I guess I just thought it would be easy but it's not.

Now it's my fault that Nina is in the same room as Tom with god knows what happening.

I lied to her.

I said we would be okay and I would protect her.

She trusted me with everything she had in her and now she's getting hurt.

"STOP!!" I heard a girl shout.

They kept shouting and I moved to the wall where I thought the sound was coming from.

I soon realized that it was coming from the room next to me and that could only mean one thing.


Nina's in that room.

All of a sudden, the screaming stopped and my door flew open revealing Tom and Nina.

He had a hard grip on her arm and he seriously threw her up in the air and she was falling down on the ground.

I dove over to her and caught her before she hit the hard ground.

"Have fun with her. After the other room is clean, she's gone." Tom said and slammed the door without forgetting to lock it.

"Are you alright?" I asked her.

"Yeah I'm fine." She said sitting up.

"Why were you screaming?" I asked.

She looked down and put her hands in her lap.

"I wasn't screaming." She quietly said.

"Did he hurt you? I heard you screaming through the wall." I said.

"He slapped me a few times but that's it. A few kicks here and there." She said.

"Where did he kick you?" I asked.

"My waist." She sighed.

I gently pulled up her shirt and saw a huge black and blue bruise on her waist with tiny ones around it.

"Oh baby." I whispered.

I lightly ran my fingers over the marks and she winced so I pulled away.

Leaning down, I pressed my lips to the sensitive area and then pulled her into my chest.

"It's all going to be okay, princess.

We're going to get out of this soon."


So we figured out what was going on with Eleanor. Nick found out and took care of her. Nina was hurt by Tom and then she went to Niall. I don't know how many chapters are left of this book but I'm going to say around 3-5. It's almost over everyone. But...I have plans to make a sequel! YAYYYY!! So yeah, please comment and vote and fan me if you want. Thank you!

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now