Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

~ Niall ~

I can't believe this.

I can't fucking believe this!

This is all my fault!

Nina never would have done that if it wasn't for me.

Oh my god.

I'm the reason Nina was driven to commit suicide.

I'm the reason.

I'm the reason the love of my life could die.

Oh my god.

What would have happened if I never went downstairs this morning?

She-She I don't even want to say it.

Right now I'm sitting in this uncomfortable hospital chair waiting for the boys to get here.

Everyone thinks that a man never cries but boy are they wrong.

I don't think I have any more tears in me.

I've always walked past people when they're crying and I never think it could be really bad but now, I know it's bad.

I have no idea what I would do if I lost her.

I would never find another girl.

I can just tell that Nina is mine.

I just don't know if she likes me.

She probably doesn't now if she ever did because I was acting like a dick.

I'll never get her now.

Just then, I heard footsteps getting closer.

Then I could tell that the people were running.

I could easily tell those footsteps belongs to Louis, Liam, Harry, and Zayn.

They came up next to me and I looked down.

"Niall. What happened?" Liam asked.

I looked up and they all had a look of concern on their faces.

"You may want to sit down for this." I said, quietly.

They all took seats around me and I took a deep breath.

I could tell they were crying earlier.

Their cheeks are stained with streams of what used to be tears.

"Ok so this may be a bit hard to take in. As you guys might know, Nina decided to c-commit s-suicide." I started.

They had looks of horror on their faces now.

"So during the middle of the night, I woke up when I heard a loud noise. I was going to go back to sleep but I decided I was hungry." I said.

"I went downstairs when I saw that Nina was already down there. She placed notes on the kitchen table but I'm assuming you already found them." I said and they nodded.

"She was dressed in all black which I thought was weird. Anyways, she left the house and I followed her, after having read my note. I was heart broken. I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault." I said.

It truly was my fault and I don't care what anyone says.

"So we walked down the street for a bit and then we stopped, walking into the woods. I hid behind a tree so I could see her and she she couldn't see me.

You guys remember how she said she can't swim right?" I said.

"Yeah we were going to teach her." Harry said.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now