Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

~ Nina ~

I woke up from a mysterious sleep and my head was killing me.

After I blinked a couple times to see clearly, I realized that I was nowhere familiar.

The area was spooky and it was all concrete and cold.

In front of me were bars that made this room sort of look like a jail cell.

I looked around the whole place and if seems like I'm boxed in an area of the room with three concrete walls and one made of bars.

But I wasn't alone.

All the boys were here with me and they all seemed to be asleep.

Or knocked out.

I let out a tiny scream and tried to make my way over to Niall but something was restricting me.

Turns out, my arms were chained to one of the walls and I couldn't move anywhere.

"Niall!" I cried.

He stirred a little but then his bright blue eyes popped open.

He had the same reactions as I did before and then he looked me in the eyes.

"What's happening?!" He shouted.

"I don't know." I cried.

He tried moving his arms but he wasn't getting anywhere so he started thrashing.

"Niall! Stop you're going to cut yourself!" I screamed.

These chains are very rusty and sharp so I'm afraid that he would cut himself.

He didn't stop and tears started rushing down my face.

"Niall please." I said softly.

He finally stopped and then just sat limp.

"I need to get to you though." He whispered.

"I'm right here, babe. I'm not going anywhere." I said.

We stared into each other's eyes for awhile but then, everyone else woke up.

They all had similar reactions to me and Niall.

"What's happening?" Louis asked.

"I don't know mate but this is creeping me out." Harry said.

All of our questions were answered though when a door bursted open and feet descended down the stairs.

I shivered knowing that this must be one of our kidnappers and I was scared of getting hurt.

"Well it looks like we're all awake now." They said.

It was a females voice, one I can't recognize and I still couldn't see them.

I looked at the boys and it seemed to me that Louis's face had lost all of its color.

"What's wrong?" I asked him quiet enough because he is right next to me.

"I-It's E-Eleanor." He stuttered.

The person emerged from the darkness of I'm guessing this basement and sure enough, Eleanor's face appeared.

We all gasped and she clapped her hands slowly.

"Congrats, Louis. Yes it's me." She said.

"But why?" He asked.

"There's only one way to get revenge on you for dumping me on our anniversary." She said walking closer to the "cell".

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now