Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

~~~ Mystery ~~~

I saw her walk in the building.

It looks as if she is not only with her brother, but with 4 other lads as well.

I've done my research and I know what to do.

I am ready for this.

~~~ Nina's P.O.V. ~~~

As I walk in, I feel like someone is watching me.

I shake it off an walk to my locker.

Luckily Amelia is not here yet.

I grab everything for my class and close my locker.

As soon as I do, Nick is right there behind it.

"Oh gosh! You scared me!" I exaggerated.

"Oops. Sorry." He apologizes.

"So what's up?" I ask him.

"Last night, I never got your number." He says.

"Oh yeah."

We exchange phones and I punch mine in his and he does the same.

We hand then back to each other.

"Thanks" he says.

"Oh no problem. Thank you too." I say.

"Do you want me to walk you to your class?" He asks.

I smiled and said "sure."

We started walking and everyone was watching us in awe as we walked by.

We got to my class and I went to go say thank you, but he had other ideas.

"Nina, I have to ask you something." He says.

"Yeah sure, anything." I say.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks.

I can't believe this is happening.

I thought that only happens in fairy tales. He was my first crush after all.

"Nick, I would love to be your girlfriend." I said, smiling.

He smiled and said, " you have made me the happiest guy alive."

"I'm so happy too." I smiled.


"Well that's the bell." I said.

"Yeah. I can meet you after school if you want." He suggested.

"Yeah sure that sounds great." I said.

"Bye girlfriend!" He yelled down the hall.

"Bye boyfriend!" I yelled back, smiling as I walked into class.


I quickly found my seat right in between Emily and Jenna.

"Well someone looks happy this morning. What happened?" Jenna asked.

"Oh nothing really. I just got a boyfriend." I said like its an everyday thing.

"NO WAY!! WHO!?" Emily asks.

"Oh just Nick." I said.

"Nick as in, Nick Smith?!" Jenna asks.

"Yes that one." I said.

"OMG like when did this happen?" Emily asks.

"This morning. We went on our date last night, as you know, and yeah he caught me at my locker this morning." I said.

"Wow you are so lucky. All the girls here would kill to be in your spot." Jenna says.

"Well then lets hope I don't di-"

"Good morning class. Today we will just be having a free day! Do whatever you please that is appropriate." Mrs. Edwards says.

"Great!" I said.

The three of us really just didn't do anything.

"So did you guys do it?" Emily winks.

"What do wha- OMG NO!" I yelled.

"You guys know I don't believe in that before marriage."

"Mhm." Jenna said.

"Ok well I have to go to the bathroom so I will be back." I said.

"Ok we will be here when you come back." Emily said.

I walked out the classroom to the bathrooms.

I got done with my business and headed back to the classroom.

I put my hand on the doorknob and as I was turning it, a cloth was put under my nose.

What the hell is happening!?

I tried to turn around but then I breathed.

I soon realized what was happening.

The cloth, was chloroform.

I was being kidnapped.

I started getting sleepy and I fell to my knees.

I looked up and I realized who my lucky fan was.

I closed my eyes and the darkness took over my body.

It was nothing I could ever imagine.


Ok hi! This is chapter 7! Yay! I'm sorry this is so short it's more like a filler chapter. I hope you enjoy this. There's going to be plenty of drama coming up. Thank you!

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now