Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

~~~ Nina ~~~

So today, I felt a little better telling everyone about my past.

I felt like I could finally say it and everyone did deserve an explanation.

I was excited because my cut was healing and you could barley see it anymore.

As long as I can't see it, it won't remind me of that horrible memory.


The lads had a photo shoot today so it was just me, Jenna, and Emily.

We wanted to spend as much time as we could together before tour so no better way of doing that then to watch a movie.

"So what do you want to watch?" I asked them.

"21 And Over!" Jenna yelled.

Emily and I both groaned.

That's Jenna's favorite and we always watch it.

"As long as Louis doesn't find me watching it I guess I'm fine with it." I agreed.

"He won't he's out all day with the other lads." Jenna said.

"Ok I guess I'm fine with it." Emily sighed.

"YESSSS!! Put it in! Put it in!" Jenna screamed.

"Ok woman! Calm yo tits!" Emily yelled.

Jenna slumped down farther into the couch.

I grabbed the movie and put it in the DVD player.

While the previews were going on I went into the kitchen to make popcorn.

I got out a packet and popped it in the microwave.

"Hurry Nina! It's gonna start!" Jenna yelled from the living room.

"Well unless you would like burnt popcorn, which I know you don't, then wait a second!" I yelled back.

I didn't hear anything so I knew I won.

I heard the beep of the timer and opened the door.

I let it cool down for a minute, while grabbing a bowl to put it in.

I pulled out the bag and opened it without getting burnt.

I quickly put it in the bowl when I heard the movie start.

I ran back in the living room and hopped on the couch, not spilling any of the popcorn.

Jenna took it out of my hands and started eating it.

"Nope go ahead and have it. I made it just for you." I joked.

She laughed. "That was very nice of you and that is why I respect you."

The movie started and Jenna screamed.

We go through the same process every time we watch it.

"OMG like doesn't Skylar have mad V-lines?! I could just stare at them all day." Jenna explains.

"Yes Jenna and I'm sure you have." Emily said.

I started laughing along with Emily and Jenna just gave us a stern look.

"Yeah, yeah. Well I'm sure you would do it to Harry, Emily and to Niall, Nina." Jenna sassed.

Emily stopped laughing and stared at Jenna.

"Harry and I are nothing but friends." She stated.

"And you wish it was more than that." Jenna said.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now