Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

~ Jenna ~

"What the hell happened between you and Niall last night?!" Emily shouted at Nina.

God it's like déjà vu.

"Ok calm down. I don't want anyone to hear us." Nina said. "Well first he took me to a meadow that had lots of beautiful flowers and fairy lights all over the ground."

"Awe it sounds beautiful." I gushed.

"It was. It was the most beautiful scene I've ever seen. It was magnificent." Nina seemed to be caught in a day dream.

"Attention Nina. Come back to the real world and tell us the other details." I laughed waving a hand in front of her face.

"Oh yeah." She laughed shaking the thoughts out of her head. "So then he had this whole picnic set up with Nutella sandwiches and he was thinking ahead because-"

"Marry him." Emily butted in.

"What?" Nina questioned.

"Marry him. No man ever thinks ahead. Marry him." Emily said.

I burst out laughing and Nina soon joined me, clutching her stomach.

"Anyways, he was thinking ahead because when he brought out what looked like a wine bottle, it was really sparkling cider because he knew I couldn't have wine." Nina said.

"Omg he's so adorable." Emily said.

"Is there anything else that happened?" I asked her.

I knew that the night didn't just end like that, she was hiding something.

"No not really. All we did after that was just talk about our lives and then we saw a shooting star." Nina said.

"Oh what did you wish for?" Emily asked.

"I can't tell you, otherwise it won't come true." Nina said.

She was right, it wouldn't come true if she told.

"Anything else that happened?" I asked.

I knew there was still something else because when Nina lies, her nose twitches a little.

"Don't lie. I see your nose twitching." I said.

"Ok fine. There was one last thing that happened." Nina gave in.

"I knew it! What happened?!" I cheered.

"Well, I laid down and then he laid down next to me. Then we looked each other in the eyes and well before I knew it, his lips were on mine." Nina said sheepishly.

"You kissed?" I whispered.

Nina nodded her head slowly and the realization hit me.

"You kissed?! You and and Niall kissed?! Was it a quick peck on the lips or like a full make out session?!" I yelled.

"Jenna!" Nina scolded me. "I don't want anyone to know yet. Niall is telling the boys and I tell you girls because that's just how this works. And to answer your question, it was a full make out session." Nina smirked.

"Oh my god!" Emily screamed.

"Shush!" Nina shushed her.

"Oh my god." Emily whispered quietly.

"Well anyways, he also asked it I would be his girlfriend." Nina added.

"Did you say yes?" Emily asked.

"Who the hell wouldn't say yes?" Nina said rhetorically.

"So now you and Niall are dating?" I asked to verify.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now