Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

*1 week later*

~ Liam ~

Nina is scheduled to be released from the hospital tomorrow an I any be happier.

She deserves to come home, she deserves comfort.

At this time, only Perrie, Jenna, and Emily were at the hospital with Nina and the rest of us are home, planning out Nina's party.

"Hey did you call everyone Liam?" Louis asked.

"Yes I did but not everyone can make it." I said.

"Who's coming?" Louis asked.

"Uh hold on I write it down somewhere." I said running off to the kitchen where I put the list.

I walked back into the living room and read the list off to Louis or anyone who wanted to listen.

"Ok so Cher can come, Ed said he wasn't even going to check to see if he had anything to do because he was absolutely coming, Demi said sure, Justin said yes." I said.

"Justin Bieber?" Harry questioned.

"No Timberlake." I said. "Also, Hunter Hayes, Katy Perry, and Olly." I said.

"Ok that's great. Zayn did you ask Perrie if the girls were busy?" Louis said.

"Yes I did and she said they wouldn't miss it for the world." Zayn said.

"Ok that's awesome." Louis said.

"Oh! I forgot, I also called Issac Slade and he said that he and the rest of the guys would love to sing a song. Then I called Danny O'Donoghue and he said they would sing a song also." I said.

(For those of you who don't know the bands, they are The Fray and The Script 😀)

"Oh my gosh that's awesome! Thank you!" Louis said.

"Thank Niall, he's the one who reminded me." I said.

"It's nothing. I knew Nina would be happy." Niall blushed.

"Ok great so that's how many people? 18 and then if you include Emily and Jenna, 20." Louis said talking to himself.

"So what else do we need? We've got food and drinks, music, guests." Harry said.

"I guess we just need to decorate and then we're all set." Zayn said.

"Ok did anyone get balloons?" I asked.

Harry raised his hand and said, "I'll go get them. They're upstairs."

He went up the stairs and came down a minute later.

"Ok so I guess right now we need like a banner and anything else that Nina would like." Niall said.

"I'll go out and get some decorations, who wants to come with me?" Zayn said.

"I will!" Harry said.

"Ok anyone else?" Zayn asked.

I think Louis, Niall and I are all staying here because no one said anything.

"Tough crowd." Zayn mumbled. "See you when we get back."

Harry and Zayn walked out the door and I picked up the balloons that Harry put on the table.

"Let's start blowing." I said.

Niall and Louis bursted out laughing and I cracked a small smile.

"You guys are dicks." I said.

That only made them laugh harder.

It got to the point where Niall was rolling around on the floor and Louis was clutching his stomach.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now