Chapter 28

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*Please read the authors note at the end*

Chapter 28

~ Niall ~

"I'm going out for a bit. I'll be back later." I said.

So things didn't go as I thought last night.

All the lads stayed last night.

I mean, I knew they would all stay late but I didn't think they would all stay over night.

I got absolutely no sleep last night.

I kept dozing off at some points but I kept telling myself that Nina could wake up at any time and I need to be there as soon as she does.

I've got to show her that I care for her.

I told anyone who wanted to listen to me that I would be back because I was going out to get Nina's birthday present.

I'm not sure exactly what she will like but I'm sure that it has to be amazing.

I've got to hurry back because like I said before, Nina could wake up at any time.

It's about noon so maybe after this, I could consult everyone about the party.

I drove alone just around.

I started thinking about what Nina will like and what would amaze her.

It's got to be something out there.

It's gotta b- I'VE GOT IT!

I took a sharp right turn and got a few horns honked towards my way.

Whoops. . .

I guess I got excited.


I pulled up to the mall and unlocked my car.

It took me a moment to remember that I'm a celebrity.

I looked around the car to see if I could find anything to disguise myself.

We always keep something in the cars for scenarios like this.

I found a SnapBack and thought that I could make it work.

I looked around for something to add and found a mustache.

Really? A mustache?

Well, can't go wrong with one of those.

I grabbed it and put it on.

I'll have to remember to be careful when I take that off.

I tried to cover as much as my hair as I could but there were a few stray hairs.

Not to hate on them or anything because I love them, but it's a little scary how directioners can tell who we are by just seeing like one hair.

It just creeps me out.

Also, I guess they also say I have the best eyes in the world and no one else has better ones.

So that means they can tell my by my eyes so I decided to grab my sun glasses.

Hope I don't bump into a wall because it'll be dark.

I braced myself for anything that might happen and got out of the car.

I locked it up quick, then walked towards the entrance of the mall.

As soon as I walked in, I knew exactly where I was going.

It was probably a really stupid move to park at one side of the mall when the store I want to get to is on the total opposite end.

When I finally got there, I walked in and instantly was surrounded by girls.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now