Chapter 35

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* 3 Days Later *

Chapter 35

~ Harry ~

"Look how happy she is with him." Emily said.

Emily and I were currently watching Niall and Nina playing little games with each other and they were having a good time with each other.

"Yeah. It's nice to see her smile. It's rare to see it." I said. "It's quite sad actually. The only thing I want for her is happiness but it just doesn't seem to happen."

"Me too Harry. I would do anything for her to just smile all the time." Emily said.

"You know, you're a great friend Emily." I said, turning to face her.

"Thanks Harry, it means a lot. You're a great brother." She said.

"Why brother?" I asked confused.

"Nina thinks of you as her second brother." She said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Totally. I wouldn't lie to you." Emily said.

I smiled at the information that Emily just shared with me because I've always thought about that but I knew that it would never be true.

"That's good because I've always thought of her as a second sister." I said.

"You're lucky to be this close to her. I've never been too attached to someone." Emily asked.

"Why is that, if you don't mind me asking?" I questioned.

"I don't know really. I guess it's just because I'm afraid of getting hurt and plus I've been an only child for my whole life so I guess I'm not really looking to have a friend so close to me to consider them as like family." She said.

"That's too bad. None of us here would ever hurt you though so you can trust us." I said.

"Thanks Harry, I'll keep that in mind." She said.

I turned my attention back to the cute couple who were now chasing each other around outside.

Nina truly does look happy with Niall and maybe he's not a bad guy.

Nina's not one to become friends let alone a couple with someone who hurt her.

Niall's one of my best mates and it's like we're brothers.

God I'm so stupid!

Why the hell did I beat Niall up, it wasn't his fault!

I can't believe that I let my emotions get the better of me.

I've got to make it up to him somehow.

"Excuse me Emily." I said getting up.

I walked to Niall and Nina and when Niall saw me, he seemed to freeze in his place.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked.

"S-sure." He gulped.

He came back to reality and then gave Nina a quick peck on the lips and then walked with me.

"What's up Harry?" He asked cautiously.

We stopped where there was no one around and no one to hear us.

"Listen Niall, I'm really sorry about the way I treated you." I said.

Do you no how hard it is to say that one word?

I was so confident before and now I can't even say the word sorry without tensing up.

"It's fine Harry, don't worry about it." Niall said.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now