Chapter 27

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Here's the weekly update before I go to school!! Enjoy!

Chapter 27

~ Louis ~

I haven't lost her.

I still have my baby sister.

I'm sort of scared to see her though.

I don't have any idea what she could look like or anything.

I hope she hasn't changed a lot.

I don't know what I'd do if she had a lot of cuts and bruises on her.

I would feel horrible but I would still love her.

Me, the boys, and the girls are all walking down the hall to Nina's room.

I could tell by the looks on everyone's faces that they were just as nervous as I was.

"It'll all be ok guys." I said.

"I'm just scared." Emily said.

208, 209, ah 210.

That's her room number.

We stood in front of the door to room 210 and just stared at it.

"Who wants to go in first?" Harry asked.

"I think Louis should since it's his sister." Zayn said.

I nodded and made my way up to the front.

I put my hand on the knob and I could feel the tension rising.

Here goes nothing. . .

I opened the door and I saw Nina laying motionless on the hospital bed.

"Oh my god." I gasped.

I walked over to her and everyone followed me.

"She looks so broken." Liam said.

He was right.

She had cords all attached to her and all you could here was the steady beeping of the heart monitor.

I could feel the tears brimming in my eyes but I had to stay strong.

I already failed my mother.

I knew that she would want me take care of Nina and never lose her.

I failed her.

I was determined that I would not lose Nina though.

I know she'll make it out.

She's strong and I believe in her.

We all do.

"When do you think she'll wake up?" Harry asked.

"Who knows? I just hope it's soon. She's already been like this for a little more than a week." Zayn says.

I looked at her motionless body.

I feel like I have to help her but there's nothing I can do.

Niall walked over to the other side of Nina and just stared at her.

He looked like he was going to cry.

He must think this whole thing is his fault.

It's not.

No one could have predicted this and no one could have stopped it.

"Are you ok Niall?" I asked him softly.

"I miss her." He said, voice cracking a bit at that end.

He grabbed onto her hand and I saw a tear slide down his cheek.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now