Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

~ Nina ~

"So what happened last night when Niall took you outside? Include all details." Emily said.

Obviously the girls stayed the night and now they want to know what Niall talked to me about.

I probably should tell them now because the date is today.

"Well he took me outside and then put his jacket over my shoulders because I was cold." I started.

"Such a gentleman." Emily said.

"Shush. Anyways, I found out that he planned this whole party for me and I kissed him on the cheek." I said.

"omg you kissed him?" Jenna yelled.

"Shush! I just kissed him on the cheek! Cool your jets." I said. "But then he sort of asked me if I would go out with him sometime and I didn't know what to say because I was in so much shock." I said.

"Girl, if Niall Horan asks you out, you don't just stand there! You say yes!" Emily says.

"As I was saying, he got upset when I didn't answer right away and then left to go walk on the sidewalk. I chased after him and when I caught up to him, I told him that I would go out with him and he sort of told me something." I said.

I hesitated in telling them what he said but I knew I could trust them with my life.

"What did he say?!" Jenna yells impatiently.

"He said that I made him the happiest guy alive." I said.

"Why is that so bad?" Emily asked.

"That's exactly what Nick said to me when I said that I would be his girlfriend." I said.

They both had a look on their faces and it finally clicked for them.

"Nina, I don't think he meant it." Jenna said.

"Yeah I know, how could he know?" I said.

"Niall is like the cutest thing ever and if he ever does break your heart, I'll break his face." Emily said.

We all laughed and I was starting to feel a little better.

"So when's the date?" Jenna asked.

"Today." I said.

"What?!" They both shout.

"Yeah." I said.

"What time?" Jenna says.

I looked at my phone and I realized that I have lots of time.

"2 hours." I said.

"2 hours?!" They said again.

"Yes that's why I just said!" I shouted.

"Go get in that shower missy!" Emily said.

"But there's 2 hours." I said.

"Yeah that's not a lot of time now get in there." Emily said.

I groaned and got up off my bed to walk to the bathroom.

I got undressed and then hopped in the warm shower.

I washed my hair and then washed my body with my special vanilla scented body wash.

I got out and wrapped my body and hair in a towel then walked out of the bathroom.

"What am I going to wear?" I asked.

"We can't find anything. You try." Emily said.

I walked over and started searching through my closet.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now