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Hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated in like 2 weeks but I have a reason. I had updated my other story "The Life Changing Tweet" and that took up most of my time. So I was trying out for a jv sports team at my school being as I'm in 7th grade and I decided to try it this year but I actually made it to the varsity team. I'm the only middle school person on the team and it's weird. But the varsity practices are EVERYDAY after school so I get home at like 6 and then I have to do homework. So I really only have time on the weekends. But don't worry. I'm almost done with the next chapter and as soon as it's done, I will update it. I'm staying up really late tonight to do it and yeah. Either today or tomorrow it should be updated. So thank you guys so much and I'm so terribly sorry.

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