Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

~ Nina ~

I walked in to school and everyone was staring at me.

When I say everyone, I mean everyone.

The staff, teachers, all the students, even Nick.

Actually, the only person I don't see is Amelia.

What a surprise.

Anyways, the halls got really silent and still everyone was staring at me.

I started walking towards the office slowly, making eye contact with Nick.

I can't believe that sick son of a bitch.

What have I ever done to him?

I walked into the office and went to the secretary.

"Um can I please have the work that I missed while I was gone?" I asked her.

"Oh um, yeah sure honey." She said, astonished.

She looked for papers and threw everything around.

She finally picked up a packet of papers and handed them to me.

"Thank you." I said.

"Honey, I'm so sorry about what happened to you. I hope you can be safe at all times now." She said.

"Thanks I'm ok now though." I said.

I walked out of the office an once again, everyone was staring at me.

God you would think that I killed someone.

I walked down the hall to my locker and surprisingly, I remembered my combination.

Normally I can't remember it when I'm away from it so long.

I grabbed all my books for home room and closed my locker.

The bell rang and I went to class.

I followed the same routine and sat next to Emily and Jenna.

"So everyone has watched me this morning like a killed someone. Even Nick." I said.

I had told them about Nick and they said they were going to beat him up because he said that.

I told them not to.

"Yeah I thought everyone would. It's gotta be really weird for people who don't really know your that well to be told that you were kidnapped." Jenna said.

"Yeah now that I think of it, it's really weird." I said.

"Anyways, the work that you missed is really easy so you can finish it within like 1 hour." Emily said.

"Ok awesome." I said.

Oh great.

Nick is here.

Yeah this is the only class he is in with me.

I gave him a dirty look and be just sat down 3 rows ahead of me.

The second bell rang and Mrs. Edwards came in.

"Hello guys! Today's assignment is to complete this packet with a partner." She said.

Everyone immediately looked at their friends.

Some with really happy faces and others are sad because they don't have a partner.

I hope to god that I don't get partnered with a douche.

"Also I will assign the partners." Mrs. Edwards added.

Everyone groaned including myself.

Whenever a teacher picks partners, it never turns out well.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now